Slumber Party

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(Pov Clav:)

Today is the very first sleepover I'm hosting. I hope the boys enjoy the party. I pick up my phone and face time Jigi.

Clav: I am so stressed. This sleepover has to be perfect.

Jigi: Stop putting pressure on yourself.  Since everyone is having fun everything will be fine

Clav: you are right

Jigi: I am always right

Clav:BRIEF which pajamas do I wear

I'm taking out a pair of pink and purple sequined pajamas and a pair of multicolored sequined pajamas

Jigi: you love sequins too much

Clav: shut up. You love Wynter too much

Jigi blushes and hangs up. Haha I beat her. I choose the pink and purple pajamas and put them on. I hear the doorbell ring. Someone is early, I open the door and get you Bucky.

Clav: Hey Buck you're early

Bucky: Yes I came to help you make your sleepover as perfect as mine.

Clav: these from Addison were better

Bucky: OH!

We all prepare together. It's been a long time since I've spent time alone with Bucky. It was nice. The doorbell rang and Zed and Bonzo came in. 

Zed: Hi Clav

Bonzo: usgr

Clav: Hi! come on in, mes chéris

Zed was wearing a white sweater and plaid pants and Bonzo was wearing shorts and a sweater but he took it off and just stayed in shorts when he got home.

Clav: Bucky is already here. He's changing.

Bucky comes out and he's wearing pink pajamas with green collar and sleeves.

The doorbell rings again and I go to open. It's Mermando and Jacey

Clav: Hi guys

Both at the same time: Hi

I let them in and they both settle down. Mermando wears just shorts. He never wears a shirt. Maybe he's too used to not wearing one underwater. Jacey has white pajamas.

Clav: man imagine you're staining yourself

Jacey: it's no big deal

Clav: Ce n'est pas très propre

Jacey: stop speaking French

Clav: Je fais ce que je veux

The doorbell rings again. Wyatt and A-lan are there

Clav: Hi

Wyatt: Hey!

A-lan: Hello comrades

Clav: comrades?

I laugh so hard

Clav: you three. Why you have a problem with sweaters

Mermando:Sorry but these things are not comfortable

I see Bucky and A-lan kissing and I'm jealous. I want to be a couple too

Clav: we don't kiss at my place until I'm in a relationship!

Zed: you are so jealous

Clav: .... let's play truth or dare

Bucky: it's truth or dare with you you never take action

Wyatt: Clav truth or dare?

Clav: truth

Wyatt: that was your first kiss

I start to blush and look at Bucky

Jacey: What!

Clav: We were stuck in the zombie shelter and we kissed just to test that's all.

( pov A-lan:)

Why he never told me. Well I never asked but still

Clav: Bonzo action or truth

Bonzo: zag

Clav: why I chose him? I don't even speak zombies

Zed: he said action

Clav: put an embarrassing picture of yourself in your story

He takes his phone and puts a picture of him with orange juice dripping from his nose

Bonzo: W..yatt

Wyatt: action


Zed: turns a bottle and kisses the person on the end.

Wyatt spins the bottle and it falls on me. Omg

A-lan: I can't.

Bucky: no it's ok it's just a game

A-lan: are you sure?

Bucky: yes yes

(Pov Bucky:)

I watch him kiss Wyatt... It doesn't matter anyway, does it? He's got nothing on me...except he's a monster and he's stronger. And more beautiful. No, there's no one more beautiful than me. I guessI'm still in my thoughts and I hear my name


Bucky: yes yes?

Clav: action or truth?

Bucky: truth

Clav: where is the other Tracey?

Bucky: in jail

Zed: WHAT?

Bucky: Well there was a cheerleader captain before me and she had an "accident".

Clav: I'm shocked

The evening went on as normal. I avoided talking to Wyatt and spent more time with Mermando

( Pov A-lan:)

Why is Bucky so cold to me? Was it because of the kiss? No, he didn't mind. Does he like Mermando? He spends all his time with him. That damn fish comes out of nowhere and almost kills him and he falls in love with him. I don't know what feeling I have but I don't like it.

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