What is wrong with you

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(Pov Bucky:)

I went out for a walk and I met A-lan. He seemed a little strange to me but I decided to approach him. After all he is my boyfriend.

Bucky: Hi A-lan!

A-lan: Hi...

Is it me or is he looking for my name.

A-lan: what's your name again?

Bucky: you forgot my name?! How I am a sexy and charismatic world star.

A-lan: uh no, you're not even a little bit good looking

Bucky: wow...is that how you treat your boyfriend?

A-lan: oh uh we're dating. Sorry sweetheart I just wanted to make a joke.

He holds my cheek and kisses me. I don't know what to think of him. He doesn't act like he used to. Is he starting to dislike me? Does he like Wyatt? I spend the rest of the day with him but he seems so cold. This day was a living hell but it's over. I go home, go to my room, lie in my bed and cry. What's going on A-lan?

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