Under the sea

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(Pov A-lan:)

I finally wake up, I don't know how long I was unconscious, I observe the place where I am and through the window I see houses made of shells and corals. Uh... i have a bubble on my head. I hear two people talking.

A boy: Bravo, look what you have done

Girl: It's not my fault! It's the first time my voice makes waves

They enter the place where I am.

THEY ARE MERMAIDS! In fact it's quite logical... but why did they take me

The girl starts to speak: Hello Human I am Sirena and this is my brother Twin Mermando

Mermando: don't say our name. It can be dangerous.

Bucky: one, I'm Bucky and two, you literally drowned me... where is A-lan?

Mermando: who?

Sirena: you arrived alone

I start to cry

Bucky: d..so he drowned

Mermando: we would have seen him

Sirena: they must be on the surface

Bucky: they must think I'm dead... A...Addison....A-lan...A-lan...

Mermando: shut him up

Sirena: calm down it's our fault he's here

Mermando: you sang

Amity: but it was your idea to come

The twins argued and agreed. Mermando goes to get a box and gives it to me. I open it and there is a necklace inside.

Mermando: as soon as you put it on you will be a mermaid until you take it off.

Sirena: we will take you home

I put on the necklace and I become a mermaid. Friends, I'm coming.

(Pov A-lan:)

I look everywhere in the water but I can't find it. I join the others and we stare at the sea. Everyone sings ''fired up'' in a slower and sad way in honor of Bucky. I cry. I miss you Bucky.

We stayed like that 1h and suddenly the water started to shine. 3 people were out of it. One of them was...OH MY STARS BUCKY. He had become a mermaid.  We were all mouths. I run to him and pick him up in my arms. I kiss him.

A-lan: I thought I had lost you

Bucky: I love you too...I love you A-lan

A-lan: me too

I say before kissing him again

Addison: you are a mermaid?

Bucky: temporarily

He takes off his necklace.

Willa: Who are they?

Bucky: this is Mermando and Sirena

Mermando: royal twins

We gave them a tour of the city and they decided to settle down with their people. I am so happy to be with my Alien love. My life without him was so sad and boring. I don't want to relive my life before. I lay down on him.

Bucky: I missed you

A-lan: I missed you more

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