You made me change

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(POV Bucky)

Sometimes I think back to the person I used to be and I feel ashamed. I used to judge people, hurt and discriminate. I thought it was normal, like everyone else at first, but even when I learned that zombies were nice I was an asshole. With werewolves it was no better. I guess part of me refused to accept them because I fell in love with them. First Zed...then Wyatt. For me to love a monster was unconscionable, repulsive, horrible. But then you came along. You changed me, made me see the good in myself. I honestly thought you would be just another crush that would eventually pass, but you loved me and made me grow. Without you I would still be that lost and mean guy for no reason. Without you I would be nothing. I love you A-lan. You are all I have. I want to spend my life with you. I want to love you for eternity. Thank you A-lan, thank you for everything

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