Prince and Knight

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(Pov Bucky:)

I just woke up and A-lan calls me. So I answer.

A-lan: Hi Bucky how are you?

Bucky: ...good and you

A-lan: I'm fine...listen I'm sorry if I misbehaved yesterday but I had a hard day. I love you

Bucky: I love you too

A-lan: why don't you come to my place?

Bucky: ok I'm coming

I hang up and get ready to join him. I put on a cute outfit and go to his house. I press the buzzer and he lets me in

A-lan: my darling ;)

He takes me in his arms and he hits my ass and grabs it at the same time

Bucky: stop it I don't like it!

He lets go of me

A-lan: sorry sugar. You're way too sexy

I'm uncomfortable A-lan would never say that

A-lan: Bucky...

Bucky: yes?

He kisses me

A-lan: mmmmh I like that

He leaves the room and goes to make popcorn. A-lan is so weird. I'm worried about him. He comes back with the popcorn

A-lan: you'll have to sit on me because there are no other seats

Before I can even answer he sprays all the seats but one with his electricity, grabs me and sits down

Bucky: it's not funny!

He bites my neck and strokes my leg

Bucky: I'm sick of this! YOU LISTEN TO ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU

A-lan: you should be honored that I care so much about you


A-lan: let's stop worrying.  Let's have some fun

He grabs me and caresses my ass and I push him away.

Bucky: NO IT IS NO!

A-lan: you leave me no choice

He makes me avoid him

A-lan: you will make me happy

I panic and get angry

Bucky: Stop it right now!

I think a light was coming out of my eyes. A-lan stops and puts me down.

Bucky: You are not A-lan.  Who are you and what are you doing here?

A-lan: I am A-dam, A-lan's twin brother, since he is busy repairing mother ships, I am pretending to be him.

Bucky: but why are you doing all this?

A-dam: because you are perfect for me

Bucky: I will never dating someone like you and believe me A-lan will learn this story

A-dam takes my chin and kisses me. He becomes invisible and runs away. I hate him. I run to the place where there is a mother ship and I shout


There is a blue light coming out of the ship. I go inside and I am teleported into the ship.

A-lan: is everything ok?

Bucky: I met A-dam...he pretended to be you and..and..and...

I sob as I speak and start to cry. A-lan takes me in his arms and hugs me.

A-lan:He won't be able to do anything to you. I will protect you. I will be your ....what's that word again? Oh yes, I will be your knight and you will be my prince.

I'll take him in my arms in return

Bucky: I love you

A-lan: I love you more

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