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( pov Bucky:)

I just woke up in my bed. Was it a dream? I notice that I am wearing the same clothes as yesterday except for my shoes and bucket hat. A-lan carried me to my house. I feel myself blushing. I got ready and I felt so bad. All these years I treated monsters so badly and thought they were a danger but in reality I was the real monster. I should apologize.

(Pov A-lan:)

I got a message from Bucky telling me to go to Zombies-town. A-li and A-spen got it too. We went there and saw our friends. A-spen goes straight to Willa and I see them blushing.

Eliza: does anyone know why Bucky told us to come

Bonzo: Za zou zou

Bree: I don't know either

Bucky is coming

Wynter: What do you want from us?!

Zed: Relax Wynter, but she's right.

Bucky: I'm sorry for the way I've treated you all these years, I've been really pathetic.

Addison: I thought this day would never come, of course I forgive you

We all decided to forgive him

Wyatt: But how come you suddenly changed your mind about us?

Bucky looks at me and says

Bucky: I realized that you can be kind, lovely, protective, beautiful, and have a lot of qualities.

I blush a little and A-li nudges me on the elbow to tease me.

(Pov Bucky:)

I finally did it, I finally became their friend, I feel so good and happy. A-lan is the best thing that ever happened to me he allows me to grow and bring out the best in me, I love him so much.

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