The Date

184 1 0

(Pov Bucky:)

I have to find a cute outfit for tonight, I can't believe I'm going out alone with A-lan. My dad walks into my room.

Bucky's dad: you're going out late?

Bucky: I'm just going with A-lan

Bucky's father: who is A-lan?😏

Bucky: don't imagine things he's just my friend!

Bucky's father: why are you blushing then?😏

Bucky: I put on blush

Bucky's mother: so you're making yourself look good for him😏

Bucky: mommy don't start!

My parents laugh. The doorbell rings and they go to open it.

Bucky's mother: hello you must be A-lan

A-lan: Good evening, yes it's me, I'm glad to meet you *shakes their hand*.

Bucky's father: You can come in Bucky is getting ready and usually takes a while

I'm still trying to figure out what to wear and I decide to wear a simple outfit. I wear a white t-shirt with pink shorts, put on my bucket hat, put on blue and pink striped shoes. To finish I put a pink and a white shoe. Jigi and Clav pushed me to do this and honestly I love it.

I hear my parents questioning A-lan. Oh the shame. I go down the stairs

(Pov A-lan:)

Bucky's parents are asking me a ton of questions. I turned around and saw Bucky coming down the stairs. He is beautiful.

(Pov Bucky:)

I walk down the stairs and I see A-lan blushing a little. He's so handsome, he's wearing a Blue jacket and black pants with black boots.

Bucky: I'm ready to go

A-lan: wow Bucky you look great

Bucky: thanks, you too

The two boys leave the house and go buy froyos

A-lan: how can you like vanilla the chocolate is better

Bucky: it's the only flavor you haved taste

A-lan: touché!

He takes my hand

A-lan: I have a surprise

Bucky: I can't wait to see it

A-lan drags me in the forest and he takes me to a beautiful place, there is a stream, greenery and big trees

Bucky: it's beautiful

A-lan: Thanks Wyatt. I know you wanted to go into space and if you can't see the stars up close you can see them from here with me

Bucky: That's so sweet A-lan thank you

It was still light out so we were talking. It was getting cold and I wish I had brought a jacket. I just have to move and it will warm me up. I get up and do some cheerleader moves. A-lan laughs and I feel embarrassed I stumble and fall into the water. I CAN'T SWIM!

(Pov A-lan:)

Omg Bucky is drowning. I take off my jacket and jump into the water I pick him up and he spits water out of his mouth. I hold him close to me

A-lan: you may feel a tingling sensation but it's for your own good

I made electricity appear around him to warm him up

Bucky: thank you

He says this to me shaking

A-lan: it's normal

After warming him up completely I gave him my jacket to make sure he was not cold

(Pov Bucky:)

A-lan literally just saved my life he gave me his jacket but he is not wearing a sweater. I can't help but stare at his 6 pack abs

Buvky: why don't you have a shirt under your jacket

A-lan: oh that's how it works * he notices bucky staring at his abs* you want me to go to 10 packs

I feel myself blushing

Bucky: no no no well unless you want to of course

We lay down and watched the stars

A-lan: oh a shooting star! Make a wish

I wish I could be with him forever

(Pov A-lan:)

I wish he would love me back

A-lan: Bucky?

Bucky: Yes?

He was still in my arms

A-lan: do you mind if...

Our faces are getting closer

Bucky: not at all...

We kissed

A-lan: Bucky I love you

(Pov: Bucky)

We just kissed I'm so happy

Bucky: I love you too

I stayed in his arms the rest of the night and fell asleep.

(Pov A-lan:)

I should take him home, I took him in my arms and drove him home. I didn't dare wake him up. He is so sweet when he sleeps

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