The Best Gift Ever

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(POV A-lan)

I've been looking for the best gift for Bucky and I still can't find it. I don't understand I'm his boyfriend. Why is this so hard. I've been to all the stores and I still have nothing. How am I supposed to show him that I love him if a simple assignment like this is too hard for me.


We are at a Christmas party, I am still waiting for A-lan, where is he? I wanted to spend my first Christmas with him as a couple and he's not here. I go to see A-li

Bucky: have you seen A-lan?

A-li: um... no he came out early and said he wanted to get you the best gift

Bucky: oh no, I think I put too much pressure on him about giving presents now he's not coming!

I put on my coat and go out. I try to call him but he doesn't answer. I look for him for several hours

(Pov A-lan)

I see Bucky and make myself invisible. I am too ashamed to see him. He will surely be angry or disappointed. I hear him burst into tears

Bucky: A-lan please where are you?

I make myself visible again and go to him.

A-lan: Bucky don't cry I'm here

Bucky: Where have you been?

A-lan: I was looking for a present for you...I didn't want to spoil Christmas and-

Bucky: I DON'T CARE ABOUT PRESENTS! I mean, having you around is more important than stuff

A-lan: so you are not angry?

Bucky: no because I found you and Christmas is not over yet. The most important thing is that I am with you because I love you A-lan

A-lan: Bucky I love you even more

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