The plan

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(Pov Bucky:)

I just woke up and am getting ready to go to the mall with the acey's. I hear our truck honking so I go out to see them after saying goodbye to my parents. I get in the truck and see that there are these three Aliens with us

Jacey: hey dude

Lacey: hello

The aliens :*waving

Stacey: where were you yesterday? We were looking for you everywhere

Bucky: I just wasn't having fun anymore *fixes A-lan*

A-lan: *looks down*

Bucky: Since when have you been friends?

Lacey: Since prom.

Stacey: we thought we could teach them our culture

(Pov A-lan:)

I hope Bucky can appreciate me. This is the first time in my life I've lost my temper. What's wrong with me.... ''Nothing'' it was A-spen's thought ''it's that jerk the problem'' it's A-li. ''I hope your plan will work'' A-spen answers me ''considering our superb research and my plan you will make up don't worry''.

We arrived at the mall

A-spen: What if we split up, I would go with Stacey A-li with Lacey and A-lan with Bucky and Jacey

Everyone agreed except for Bucky even though he didn't say so. He didn't have much of a choice, I would have preferred him to agree and not feel pressured Bucky and I took the lead, my best friends were explaining to the Acey's our plan. I decided to open the discussion.

A-lan: do you have a store you would like to go to first?

Bucky: My favorite clothing store is Glamm and Chic.

Jacey: *catch up* did I hear Glamm and Chic?

A-lan: yes we are going there *he says smiling*

(Pov Bucky:)

Oh my god A-lan's smile is so cute...Wait why did I just think of that, this boy is unbearable,but cute and so polite....ugh stupid thought

Jacey: Bucky is everything ok? You are very red

A-lan: maybe you are too warm

He moves his hand to my curl and I try to push it away but he puts it down anyway. It's nice...uh I mean horrible...horrible...yes it was horrible

A-lan: your temperature is normal. It's strange.

I look at Jacey and I feel like he realizes something, I hope he doesn't think he knows very well that I hate monsters

(Pov A-lan:)

The plan has just started without i knowing it. According to teenazine I have to try to have as much physical contact with him as possible. So I grabbed his hand and dragged him in a direction.

Jacey: uh it's in the other direction

A-lan: it's my fault sorry

Bucky: L..LET ME GO! *blush and let go of A-lan's hand*

A-lan: you're really red you shouldn't be walking

Before he can even speak I grab him and carry him in my arms

(Pov Bucky:)

I CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S CARRYING ME! HE IS SO STRONG! No no no I'm thinking of what now... I hate him.... I think


(Pov A-lan:)

Wow this is really messed up now. Good 2nd step let him think I think he is smart

Jacey: how about we eat some froyo before we go shopping for clothes?

A-lan: what is a froyo

Bucky: it's a kind of frozen yogurt

A-lan: Thanks Bucky, if it wasn't for you I would have never known

We went to the froyo stand

A-lan: I don't know what flavor to get

Bucky: take chocolate everyone likes it

A-lan: thanks Bucky now I can update my human data

(Pov Bucky:)

as I was eating my vanilla froyo I noticed that A-lan was about to poke the spoon in his eye. I grabbed his hand just before and took the spoon from his hand.

Bucky: open your mouth

A-lan opens his mouth and I put his spoon in his mouth it's a bit weird but his naivety is cute....uh I mean funny

A-lan: without you I would never have made it

The more he compliments me the less I take him seriously

Bucky: you think I'm stupid, don't you?

A-lan: what n...

Bucky: I don't want to hear your excuses

There was a long silence that Jacey broke

Javey: let's go to Glamm and Chic

Bucky: I'm going to the bathroom and I'll join you

(Pov A-lan:)

Jacey and I arrived at the store. I saw a zombie sewing and a human drawing

Jacey: Hi Clav!

Clav: Oh Lacey we haven't seen each other since class, you must be A-lan? I saw you at the invasion

A-lan: *a little embarrassed* Nice to meet you! Who's that in the back?

Clav: this is Jigi my friend, I design the outfits and she sews them.

A-lan: that's great! Uh do you know Bucky's style? I would like to look like him

Clav: do I know him? Of course we are childhood friends

He grabbed Jacey and I and showed us some outfits

(Pov Bucky:)

I was just joining the boys and saw A-lan dressed in my style. He looks great like this...uh I mean it suits him. As I approached I heard him talking.

A-lan: I am the best, perfect, beautiful and superior

That's how he sees me... I feel the tears coming.

(Pov A-lan:)

He's got it all wntendu I've got it all ruined


I run after him

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