Vroom Vroom

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(Pov Bucky:)

A-lan came to see me today

A-lan: hi baby 😏

Bucky: hi sweetheart. What's that look?

A-lan: do you want....

Bucky: if I want?

A-lan: do you want to go for a drive?

He takes the keys out of his pocket and turns them


A-lan: and yes😏 come on let's go for a ride.

Bucky: ride what?


I see him blushing. I embarrassed him good. I am proud of myself. I get into his car.

Bucky: A-lan, are you sure you can drive?

A-lan: look at my license.

He shows me a picture of himself with a fake mustache

Bucky: why do you have the must...

A-lan: don't ask questions.

He starts driving and it's horrible. There are lots of accidents and now his car is on fire.

Bucky: you told me you could drive!

A-lan: ok i admit it i changed my test results because I couldn't stand not being good at something

I don't understand this technology

Bucky: you can control a stupid ship

Mother ships: I'm not stupid, come on

Bucky: AAAAAH how long has she been here

A-lan: she's always in the sky

Bucky: Anyway. You can fly an alien ship but not a car?

A-lan: The spaceship is easy, even you could activate it

Bucky: HEEEY!

A-lan: sorry sweetheart

Bucky: A-lan I don't understand. Why didn't you just tell me? I would have taught you how to drive.

A-lan: I was ashamed...but you really want to teach me

Bucky: well...you already have a license so it's not illegal if we just do a "romantic driving session".

A-lan: thank you my love

He hugs me and lifts me up a little.

Bucky: you need a car

A-lan: let me fix it

Before I even say anything he's already fixed it

Bucky: Whaaat

We get in the car and I show him how to do it.

( to be honest I have no idea how we drive so I'll let you imagine the scene or write it in the comments 😭 I'm thinking of putting one of your scenes in the story and crediting you)

After the driving lesson

A-lan: thanks Bucky

Bucky: you're welcome honey

A-lan: now I'll drive better than you

Bucky: try and I'll run you over with my truck

A-lan: you are so romantic 🥺

Bucky: actually...why do you have a mustache on your license

A-lan: uh...... good question

Bucky: you put a mustache on your license and forgot about it

A-lan: exactly.  You want me to grow one?

Bucky: no thanks hehe

A-lan: why?

Bucky: otherwise I won't control myself


I start to run away and A-lan chases me. He jumps on me and we are parked. He is on top of me and I blush

Bucky: A-lan you are on top

A-lan: yes I'm not a bottom

Bucky: wait what!

He lies down next to me and we laugh. I love him

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