❤If happy ever after did exist

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Her biggest fear is losing someone she loves because they know she is Supergirl. It's what she saw over and over again in the phantom zone. Someone she loves being killed because she is Supergirl. Someone she loves getting hurt because she is Supergirl. It didn’t matter what happened to the person she loved- one fact remained the same- they got hurt because of her. Because of Supergirl.

Part of the reason Kara never wanted to tell Lena she was Supergirl was because she didn’t want Lena to get hurt. She knew it was irrational, seeing as Lena was already in danger on a daily basis just because of her last name, but Kara still told herself the same excuse time, after time again- she was protecting Lena.

But was she really protecting Lena? All those times Lena jumped in front of Kara, scared that her friend, her human friend, might get hurt. Kara wasn’t protecting Lena. She was putting Lena into danger.

All that time in the phantom zone, Lena was the one who got hurt the most. Kara watched Lena die over and over again, and she was unable to do anything. All she could do was watch.

Kara wondered why it was Lena she saw the most. Why it was Lena’s death that hurt her the most. Why she kept her secret from Lena the longest. She knew she was lying to herself all those times she said she was protecting Lena, but why?

When Kara returned from the phantom zone, there was one person Kara wanted to see more than anyone else. One person she missed the most, and she couldn’t quite understand why. What was special about Lena that Alex, or Nia, or any of the other Superfriends didn’t have? What was it?

She didn’t have time to think about that, because the second she saw Lena, it was like the world stopped. It was like it was only her and Lena in the world, and everything else stopped. After they hugged, Kara felt a pull towards Lena. A need to be with her. But then she heard Alex, and it was like she was pulled out of a trance. But again, she didn’t understand why.

Everything always went back to Lena.

And now Lex and Nyxly are gone, and Kara is about to reveal herself to the world.

Because Lena convinced her.

Lena showed her it was okay to be her, to be Kara, to be all of Kara.

Just like Lena always did. And now, Kara realizes, sitting in front of Ms. Grant, why she didn’t want to tell Lena. Supergirl is what she can do, but Kara is who she is. It was Lena who saw that.

It was Lena.

It was always Lena.

Oh Rao.

Oh Rao.

She is in love with Lena.

And she found that out right as she is about to ‘come out’ to the world. As Supergirl.

How could she be so oblivious? Wait. Did Lena feel the same? Did Lena love her too? These are big questions that Kara really shouldn’t be asking herself on live television. This is quite awful timing to be realizing this about herself.


Oh. Cat just said something, but she definitely wasn’t paying attention because she is in love with her best friend. She is in love with Lena Luthor. And Lena might love her back. And-

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