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Well, just because she opened the door and let you in doesn't mean anything. That's what Lena kept telling herself. When she finally told Kara everything, Kara's reaction was cold and collected.

It was hard to see the blonde in so much pain. It was even harder when she realized that she was the root of it. She tried talking to Kara throughout the day and her attempts were dismissed.

But she was persistent. So, she kept trying again and again, till Kara finally broke down and gave her a piece of mind. Her mind kept telling her that she deserved it when Kara refused to give her absolution.

The day had been exhausting, to say the least. When everyone else went to celebrate their win, Lena stayed in her lab, tracking Lex. She needed to resolve her mistakes, as soon as she could. Lex was certainly planning something and she needed to know what it was before it was too late.

Her eyes started watering, her vision blurred and she finally let herself shed a few tears at the friendships she was sure she lost. Her heart ached for the blonde reporter. But, it was to no avail.

So, she wiped her tears furiously and concentrated on the screen in front of her. It was the only thing that could give her relief right now.

But, her eyes kept filling with tears again and again. She kept wiping them with her sleeves till her cheeks started stinging a bit. She knew she needed to get some of the pain out. But she didn't deserve it. She deserved all the ache her heart felt.

I deserve this, that's what she kept telling herself again and again as she kept focusing on the screen in front of her till the exhaustion of the day finally took over her, and she passed out right there on the table.

She woke up startled when she felt someone's hand on her shoulder.

“Hey, here you go.”

Nia was standing above her, with a cup of coffee in her hand.

“Thank you.”

She grabbed the cup and looked around to see all her- all of Kara's friends in there. So, she excused herself and left the lab.

As soon as she entered her office, she strode into the attached bathroom and closed the door. She slid down and hid her face in her knees and finally started giving her tears an out they were asking for since yesterday. She let herself cry a bit before gathering herself.

She stood under a scalding hot shower. She hissed as the water touched her body and took hold of the wall in front of her with both her hands.

When she finally came out, she felt a little lighter. She was sure her eyes looked like she just cried. But, no one would care. Why would they?

When she entered the lab, nobody was there, except for Brainy. She nodded at him curtly and moved towards her workstation.

“Everyone is just…”

“No need to explain.”

She dismissed him and started tinkering with her transmatter portal watch. In 15 minutes she heard someone's footsteps in the room. In a second, she knew who it was. The pattern of her walking was distinct and Lena had noticed a lot about her.

So, she willed herself to not look and focus on the task at hand. But, the soldering iron in her hand somehow slipped and the scalding hot metal end of that iron came in contact with her skin.

She hissed at the sensation for a second, before ignoring it. But, maybe she heard it. Because she heard footsteps approaching her. She steeled herself and took in a deep breath.

“Are you okay?”

The voice was filled with concern. She couldn't bring herself to look or talk. She settled on nodding and gulped harder to stop the sob in her throat from erupting.

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