💚Aren't we going to?

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“Hi! You’ve reached Kara Danvers, I’m sorry I couldn’t get to the phone right now, but if you leave-”
Lena drums her fingers nervously against her phone, thoughts muddled in a haze of alcohol. She hadn’t intended to drink so much tonight, but it’d been a rough day in a rough week in a rough life and sometimes you have to just spend your Friday night drinking alone on your living room floor.
So now she’s drunk, and she’s antsy, and she can’t stop thinking about how sweetie pie Kara Danvers is a super powered alien that flies around in a miniskirt fighting crime.

Lena just has so, so many questions, but she can’t ask them because she’s trying to be respectful of Kara’s privacy. Secret identities are a secret for a reason, and just because Kara once drunkenly revealed herself to be the caped crusader herself doesn’t mean Lena has any right to prod her about it. She’ll just have to cope with all her questions and worries.

She knows how to contain her desires; she’s a Luthor. It’s fine if Kara doesn’t want to talk about it. She’s fine. I’m chill, I can be chill, she thinks.

She clicks the button on her phone and calls Kara for the fourth time that night.

Or is it the fifth? She may have lost track of time after she finished off the bottle of rum she’s been nursing all week. Besides, its so easy to call Kara at this point its basically second nature. Kara is number 2 on her speed dial, after all, with 1 being her assistant. Those are her only speed dial numbers. Those are the only people she ever calls on her personal line.

Anyway, this is the fourth or fifth time tonight she’s done this, and Lena’s decided this time will be her last. In fact, she’s even going to leave an actual voicemail instead of just panicking and hanging up! She’ll apologize for all the calls and they can laugh it off on Monday. This will just be a funny yet somewhat embarrassing anecdote for future conversations. It’ll all be good!

The heavy drunkenness she’d been floating through all day has faded closer to a buzz now, and she’s so distracted by the waves of it washing over her that it takes her a bit to realize Kara’s actually answered for the first time all night.

“-you okay, Lena? Can you hear me?” she hears, and holy shit Lena is too drunk for this.

“Oh. Hello, Kara.” she speaks slowly, enunciating each word with care. Can’t let her know she’s a bit inebriated. “What a surprise.”

“Hi,” Kara says, “Are, um. Are you okay?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” Careful words. Lena is always so careful.

“Well you’ve just called me, like, twelve times in the past hour and you kept hanging up before I could answer, so I didn’t really know-“

Lena immediately hangs up and chucks her phone across the room.

Perhaps she didn’t think this through all the way.

Lena quickly tries to strategize how to get out of this when her cell phone goes off again, Kara Danvers’ name illuminating the otherwise dark room. It’s so dark in here, has it been this dark the entire time? The phone goes to voicemail, then begins to ring again. Maybe if she just ignores her she’ll stop trying?

No, this is Kara. She’ll never stop.

Reluctantly, Lena drags herself over to the phone and answers.

“Are you in danger? Say “L Corp” if you’re in danger,” Kara says quickly, sounding like she’s two seconds away from busting through the door to save her, and Lena can’t help but laugh.

“I’m not in danger, Kara. I just,” she sighs, “I seem to be a bit of a drunk dialer is all.”

She can hear the sigh of relief through the phone and honestly, what has she done to earn the care of someone like this?

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