❤💛Its only an COMFORT

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Lex Luthor hovered smugly over Supergirl in his highly powered Lexosuit. Kara had just taken one of his kryptonite blasts to the chest and the effects of it glowed on her skin and traveled through her veins. She tried to stand, bracing herself up on one leg and willed the remnants of her power to come to her.

Lex watched her struggle and began charging his blast again for the last time, determined to end this fight and the life of the “Girl of steel.” Kara’s eyes glowed red and she focused all her energy on the psychopath above her.

An overcharged beam of kryptonite was projected towards Kara at the same time she released her own powerful wave of heat vision and the two energies battled for dominance in mid-air.

The kryptonite radiation began poisoning the hero and her power began to decline much to Lex’s delight. His beam began overpowering Kara’s heat vision at a fast pace and hurdled straight towards her body.

Lex began laughing maniacally and shouted, “I win!”



Kara had just finished helping Alex arrest an alien beast from Czarnia and was hoping to hang out with her sister and Kelly after leaving the DEO. They were in the middle of discussing their plans when the hero’s hearing picked up on a distressed scream from Lena across the city.

Kara had never heard her name said so terrifyingly.

She immediately took to the air and flew at full speed to Lena’s apartment leaving a bewildered Alex staring after her.

“Just call me!” She shouted at the sky.

Kara landed on Lena’s balcony a minute later, tore the locked door open and sped into the heiress’s bedroom where she found her wrapped in a sheet on her bed with her feet on the floor, crying softly. Lena lifted her watery gaze towards Kara who was kneeled in front of her in a blink of an eye.

“Kara.” She whispered sadly.

“I’m here Lena, tell me what happened. I heard you scream my name from across the city.”

Lena shifted uneasily on the bed and wrapped her arms around herself. She could still see Kara’s lifeless body on the rooftop after Lex blasted her vividly in her mind’s eye and she closed her eyes in an effort to stop her tears from flowing freely.

It was just a dream. It was just dream. She repeated to herself until warm hands cupped her cheeks and brushed away the escaped tears streaming down her face. “Lena, Lena talk to me, what happened?” Kara asked gently. Fear gripped her heart tightly, she had never seen the younger Luthor so frazzled and she could tell Lena was trying to make sense of reality.

A few moments of silence ensued, and then in a small voice, Lena responded. “You died.” She said shakily.

As soon as the heiress’s eyes slid open, tears slipped out of them.

Kara held her watery gaze trying to understand what she meant and realized that Lena had had a nightmare.

“I couldn’t do anything but watch. I tried to scream, to tell him to stop but you-“

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