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Supergirl flew across the sky as raindrops fell on her cape. She could see the warm light still on in Lena’s office. Her feet landed slowly in the balcony and she peeked in to see a focused Lena on her greyish couch, with ‘The Great Gatsby’ on her hands as soft, classical music played from the radio. Kara’s hand pressed against the glass. Had she really lost her? Was this the end? She just wanted to see Lena laugh and look at her like before. When she didn’t know. When everything was perfect.

Hesitantly, she knocked on the glass. Lena’s eyes swiftly turned, a stern look on her face once she realized who it was. She contemplated getting up to open the door, but she finally did.

Kara wanted to hug her so badly. But her cold, cruel eyes weren’t welcoming of that.

“What do you want? It’s late. And raining.”

“I wanted to see you.”

Her lip quivered slightly. “Well you did. Now leave.”

“Lena, does this have to be like this? I know I hurt you, but I didn’t do it for me. I wanted to protect you.”

“Three years of friendship. And not ever once did you think, “Oh, I should probably tell my best friend who trusts me that I’m not who I pretended to be?” Everyone else knew. But when it came to me, you thought I needed your protection, well I don’t! I do not need your protection, Kara. I just need your honesty. And that’s the one thing you never gave me.”

“I did this for you. Please try to understand-“

“Stop saying that! You betrayed me!”

“I’m sorry, okay?” Kara shouted. Instantly, Lena turned her face away and gulped. “I’m sorry! I wish it wasn’t like this! I keep trying to tell you, but you won’t understand! I did it because you’re important to me. I wasn’t trying to fool you. I wasn’t trying to make you look stupid or to hurt you. I was trying to do the best I could for someone I loved. I tried, Lena, God knows I tried, but there’s nothing I can do! I tried everything! But you never care! You never think about how hard it is for me to stay away from you! I want to be someone who you love and trust, not your enemy!”

“If you wanted me to trust you, you should’ve been sincere with me! I told you everything! Everything, Kara!” Her voice was breaking with every word she forced out. “Every single detail of my life, every concern that I had, every time I felt like I couldn’t handle it anymore... I told you. I called you. Because I trusted you with my life. I would jump off a building with no second thoughts if you asked me to. On that plane back in Kaznia, it was you that I wanted to save first. I wasn’t thinking about myself; I was thinking about my best friend, who I thought was helpless. But turns out I don’t even know my own friends. I was wrong to believe in you.”

“What do you want me to do? I can’t... I don’t know what to do without you, Lena. I need you.”

Her eyes teared up, but she still had the same harsh look on her face.
“I thought I needed you too, until I saw who you really were. So get used to it. Like I did.”

She sat back in the couch and picked up the book in an instant, wiping the tears off of her face. The room became silent and once again Kara became aware of the soft music which had been in the background all of this time.

“I’ll fly through the pouring rain just for you as many times as you need me to. I’ll come in this same office to say the same thing as many times as you need me to. Whatever it takes for you to come back. I can’t lose you, Lena. You mean the world to me.”

There was no response. Kara threw one last glance at her. How could she ever hurt the woman she loved?

“I’ll wait for you, however long it takes.”
Supergirl closed the glass door and flew off, the faint music still ringing in her ears.

Another day. Another morning. Kara hoped at least this one would be better.

There were no calls from Alex, which meant this would probably be a quiet weekend. She grabbed some bread and made a toast. Most of her day was spent on the couch watching movies. Kara couldn’t bother to get up and do anything except get more food.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Could it be J’onn? He had come by quite a couple of times lately because Kara had needed advice about Lena. But nothing really worked, did it?

She opened the door.

“... Lena?” Kara’s eyes widened in shock.

The gorgeous brunette stood right in front of her, calm and collected, but ... she looked sad. Exhausted.

“Can I come in?” she said after a short pause.

“Yeah, yes, of course.” Kara hurried to tidy up the couch and make room for her. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting anyone. Especially not you.”

“Never thought you’d see me in your doorstep again, huh?” Lena forced a chuckle.

“I hoped I would.”       

Lena didn’t reply. She sat down, fixing the rumples on her dress while Kara scrambled in her fridge trying to find something she could offer her unexpected guest.

“Kara, it’s okay. I just need to talk. Please come here.” Lena patted the place next to her. The other sat hesitantly.
“I don’t think I can do this anymore.”

“What?” asked Kara softly, almost afraid of the answer.

“You betrayed me.” Silence filled the room for a few moments and it seemed like Lena was not sure what to say next, like the speech she had prepared to say had been forgotten. She shuffled a little on the couch, starting again. “Kara, you betrayed me. But I want to trust you again.”

It seemed like she was going to say more, but Kara stopped her abruptly.

“Is this another trick? Like when you knew I was Supergirl and acted like we were still friends. I couldn’t tell then. How can I now? Did Lex send you here?”

“No, no, he didn’t. I’m here for a different reason. I’m here because you broke me. You shattered my trust in pieces. And yet, I miss you. I hate that I do, but I can’t push you away. And if I was able to trust my homicidal, sociopathic brother again, I can trust you too. I have not gotten used to this distance between us, and I don’t think I ever will. I miss you so, so much.”

“I missed you too, Lena.” Kara whispered.

They embraced each other in a hug which told everything they weren’t able to put in words. Kara had her precious Lena back. Lena had the true Kara this time, even with her double identity.

“No more lies. No more tricks. Just transparency, okay?”

“Yes, yes,” Kara nodded, teary-eyed. “Yes, I promise. Just don’t ever leave me again.”

“You know I could never let you go.”

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