❤💚Dont leave me again

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Four months, that’s how long it took for Lena to develop a crush on her friend Kara. Kara was obviously smitten the first time she had met Lena, the day of the Venture explosion. They quickly became friends and Kara could tell that Lena was nothing like Lillian or Lex.
When everyone around doubted Lena’s innocence, Kara was the one who still believed; Kara was the one who had risked her life to save Lena. Lena thanked Kara by filling Kara’s entire office with flowers on the day before Valentine’s Day.

Over the past year, Kara had brought Lena lunch on multiple occasions, Lena had started attending the weekly game nights at Kara’s apartment and had even showed up to have their own “best friend movie nights”.

She had watched as Kara laughed and joked with all of her friends, how she hugged and interacted with them. Every single time, Lena had pushed her feelings down into imaginary boxes, vowing never to let Kara know.

Lena had been doing so well at hiding how she felt. At least, up until she had been poisoned and Kara risked exposing herself in order to save Lena. That was the day when Lena decided that she couldn’t do it anymore.

Later that day she had started planning. It was Tuesday, so she knew she still had to make it through her lunch with Kara tomorrow and game night on Friday. By Sunday evening she would be somewhere else.

During their lunch the next day, Kara could tell that something was wrong with Lena. Lena just told her that she had a lot of work that needed to be done. Kara didn’t believe her but she didn’t want to push the issue and make Lena mad either, so she let it go.

Friday came around and Lena seemed to be back to her usual self. By the time she left, she was glad that nobody had seen the mask she was wearing. She knew that in order to do this, she couldn’t let anyone figure it out, so she had played the game just like a chess player.

On Saturday, she had signed the paperwork for Sam to be acting CEO in her absence and had sorted out the details for her flight and living accommodations. As she went to bed that night, she realized that this was the last time she would be going to sleep and waking up in National City.

It was 10 AM when she made it to the hanger that housed her private jet. As the pilots were doing their checklists and getting the plane ready to go, she took care of the last thing on her list. She had calculated the time it would take her to get to her final destination, eighteen and a half hours. By that time, it would be 5:30 AM in National City.

Lena gave one of her most trusted employees a sealed envelope with instructions to make sure that it would be delivered to Kara’s apartment on Monday preferably between 7-8 AM or after 5 PM.

Over the course of the flight, Lena had spent most of her time working. She took a few naps and ate a little bit in between, but the majority of the time, she wanted to get caught up on as much work as she could.

By the time her plane had landed in Shanghai, she was extremely jetlagged, so she was very thankful that she had decided in advance to have a car waiting for her.

Once she arrived at the apartment, she spent a few minutes looking around. She was very impressed by the dark finishes in the kitchen, the freestanding tub and walk-in shower in the bathroom, the impressive bedroom, and the view.

She also didn’t miss the fact that her assistant had ordered ahead to make sure the fridge and bathroom were already fully stocked. She decided to go take a bath and then go to sleep so she could wake up early in time for her first meeting tomorrow at 8 AM.

Back in National City: Kara had spent most of Sunday fighting off aliens, so by the time she got back home, she ate, took a shower, and then went to sleep. At 6 AM her alarm went off, informing her that it was time to get up. She dragged herself out of bed and went to make coffee.

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