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“At least, give it a try. You can always opt out if the date goes terrible.”

Lena sighed, giving in to Sam’s persistent nagging. Being a vampire had always meant that she was supposed to pretend to be human in broad daylight. And no, exposure to the sun does not turn vampires into ashes. Please… that is so 1630s. Over the years and centuries, vampires had evolved and adapted to things. Well mostly. But there were still some things that were left the way they were - old school. And Lena was mostly okay with it. But then there were some, who followed the rules almost obnoxiously… and in the case of Lena’s brother Lex, there is no need for the “almost”. He followed them to a fault and it annoyed her deeply. Lex was one of those vampires, who believed in pure-bred vampires supremacy. Only those were destined to be great leaders. Just like him. But Lena called bs on that. She would never give in to his rigid standards and way of living.

Her mother, Lillian, was just as stoic, when it came to her methods. Which basically equaled her son’s. Well, she wasn’t Lena’s real mother nor was she Lex’s. But she was the one who had turned them into vampires in the first place. Which is why they only knew of her as their mentor, their creator. Nobody really knew how old Lillian was. And nobody dared to ask her. Simply because, they wouldn’t survive to know the answer, let alone tell someone else. As they said, the more ancient the vampire is, the stronger and more powerful they are.

The relationship Lena had with Lillian was complex at best.

As soon as Lena started to recognize and comprehend the toxicity of Lillian’s influence, she slowly started to cut the ties. It was easier said than done though, considering how much of authority and power Lillian held over the entire vampire community. But there was great satisfaction in small victories. Even more so, because Lena knew Lex was the result of her direct upbringing. Lillian had tried to groom her too, nurture her as a tool for her own battles but Lena had managed to escape her shackles. Not completely but still. She was trying to. And that’s all that mattered. For now, at least.

“You okay?,” the concern in Sam’s voice broke Lena out of her trance.

“Yes, I’m fine...I’ll be fine. Just thinking about things.”

Lena had known Sam for as long as she can remember. Sam had been one of the unfortunate souls, who had been turned without their knowledge or consent… then again who would consent to becoming a monster? Or rather which monster is gonna ask for consent, when on a thirst run for blood? And unlike Lena, Sam didn’t remember who turned her.

The tall woman had been her support system for the entirety of the time Lillian had been abusive to her. And in Sam, Lena had found a sense of comfort and safety. She even felt attraction towards Sam at some point in time and so had Sam for Lena and thus they had tried dating.

Lena would lie to herself if she said that that wasn’t the only time she felt the most alive. Ironically.

But soon they came to the realisation, that they had different views on things and as much as it pained her, Lena had to break up with Sam due to their differences. It didn’t tear their friendship apart though.

Lena didn’t like and could never agree with her on the fact that Sam always gave in to her primal instincts during a blue moon and hunted down humans to drink their blood and kill them. Yes, Lena herself would oftentimes crave blood but since she was majoring in biotech, she had easy access to medical labs and therefore blood bags. She simply purchased what she needed. Most people thought her to be anaemic, which played greatly into her pale skin color and cold hands, and nobody seemed to care much about it.

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