❤💚I always wanted more

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TW//Self harm...

Lena and Kara rarely argued, and even when they did start bickering at each other it was about stupid things such as who'd eat the last slice of pizza or which Disney movie they would put on, every Friday evening when Lena would come for their traditional sleepover.

Most of the time they spent their nights at Kara's place, where Lena felt warm and cozy. Her penthouse felt cold, and those walls she lived within made her feel miserable when she'd come back home after a long day at the office.

Even when they did have sleepovers at Lena's place, Kara would bring her colorful fluffy blankets and pillows, soft pajamas for both her and Lena, endless amounts of food and of course, Lena's favourite tea.

Every Friday they spent like that, cuddled up on a couch watching a movie that most of the time would have to be paused around half way through because Lena would fall asleep and start purring quietly in Kara's arms. The blonde hero would always pause the movie and silently float them over to bed, where she'd wrap herself and Lena up in a bunch of blankets so the pale woman wouldn't feel cold.

Lena loved every single Friday, and she only pushed through the week so she could feel entirely relaxed with Kara for that one evening. Their last serious argument, and as well as their biggest fight was when Lena revealed that she knew Kara was Supergirl, and Lena thought that after everything they've been through, she and Kara wouldn't raise their voices at each other ever again.

She was wrong.

It was a gloomy afternoon when Lena received a text message from her best friend, asking her to immediately come to the DEO because apparently something serious had happened. Lena felt anxiety slowly creep itself into her skin, but she pushed her worries and thoughts down and as quickly as she could, got to the DEO headquarters.

As soon as the young Luthor arrived, she spotted Kara leaning over one of the desks reading over what seemed to be some kind of a document, with a tired expression on her face. Alex was right beside her, talking to one of the DEO agents who after the redheaded woman finished speaking, left.

Lena noticed how it was awfully quiet and empty at the headquarters, with no agents roaming around as they usually would.

"Supergirl, Alex? Is everything alright? I got your text-"

"Sit, Lena."

Kara spoke in an unusual voice. She never used this stern tone with Lena before and it made the brunette swallow hard. However she did as she was told, and sat down on one of the chairs nearby the desk Kara stood behind. Her eyes scanned over her best friend's features which looked worried, disappointed and serious all at once.

It made her shiver, but not in excitement.

"Well? Will you tell me what's going on?"

Kara sighed heavily and walked around the desk, so she could stand in front of the young Luthor as she spoke.

"There is no easy way to say this, so I will be direct. Lex, who as you know has been imprisoned for a few months now, decided to finally speak to us. We questioned him about his attempt to burn down the Luthor's children hospital but he said something totally unrelated to our question. He said how-"

The hero took a deep breath and slowly knelt down in front of Lena's chair, before taking both of her hands that until now rested in her lap, squeezing them gently in reassurance.

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