💚💛Pregnancy Problem

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It was Wednesday evening, the middle of their work week, and Kara had arrived home earlier from the city than her wife Lena. This wasn't unusual. She worked as a personal assistant, had once again been working late because of her Boss, meaning she had missed her normal train. So, Kara was in the kitchen cooking dinner when she heard the screen door open and close a bit too hard. Taking this as a sign, she turned down the heat on the stove and walked into the living room to greet her wife. And like every time she had seen Lena over the last five months, Kara felt a surge of hormones in her head, and her dick, at the sight of her body.

They weren't trying, but one night or another when they made love, Kara and Lena also managed to conceive a child. Lena was angry at first, then happy, excited and scared all in the space of maybe a few hours. It wasn't how they had planned it, wanting to just be a couple a while longer, and more financially secure before trying to start a family, but they were married and in love and so decided to play the hand they'd been dealt. Kara wasn't any better emotionally when she found out, but at the same time she was both insanely happy and turned on. Even when they first started dating Lena knew that Kara had a massive kink for pregnant women, and finding out her own wife was going to have a child, her child...

Well, what could Kara say? Here Lena was in front of her, exhausted and cranky from having to deal with other people's crap, sweaty and hair not quite neat anymore, but in Kara’s eyes she looked sexier than she had even been.

Only just over five months pregnant now, Lena's belly was on the big side for that amount of time, which annoyed her but only made Kara hornier. Her wife’s boobs had gotten bigger by about two cup sizes and her bottom was the roundest it had ever been. Kara was excited to see how much bigger she was going to get in all three areas but Lena only rolled her eyes if she mentioned it. She was wearing a tight dress, Buttons holding her dress closed over her chest strained slightly, creating a small opening that Lena's cleavage could be seen through. The dress was about three inches higher on her legs because of the size of her belly. The very sight of her was an aphrodisiac to Kara.

Lena's shoes were flicked off the moment she was in the door. Kara crossed the room to her and gave Lena a hug to say welcome home. There was an involuntary hard on in Kara's pants that became pressed into the curve of Lena's belly in their hug. She knew this annoyed her, but Lena put up with it and her being handsy with good grace. She knew that having a pregnant wife was a fetish of Kara's she'd had since she was a teenager.

"How was work honey?" Kara asked as Lena dropped into the lounge.

"Shit," Lena replied as she fumbled with her dress. "Work was shit, my boobs hurt, the train was crowded and I'm home late. Shit."

Trying to be sympathetic, Kara said, "Well, why don't you go have a shower while I finish dinner?"

Kara gave Lena a kiss on the forehead as she nodded. As she got up to walk to the bathroom, Kara couldn't help but watch her wife’s round butt as she walked away. She would have liked to go and watch Lena get out of her clothes, but stopped herself.

She may be my wife, she thought, but I should try my best not to a pervert. If possible.

Kara went back to the kitchen to finish cooking. She could hear the shower running, and eventually turn off. As she was finishing up their dinner, Kara heard Lena run heavily for the bedroom. She frowned slightly, but went back to cooking. However, minutes later, she called out.

"Kara, can you come in here?"

She turned off the stove and walked to the bedroom to see what was happening.

Kara entered the room to find Lena completely naked. The top drawer of her dresser was open, and by the looks of the clothes strewn around, it had been thoroughly searched.

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