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The game night leaves her Kara giddy. She lets out a breath as she shuts the door behind Alex and Kelly’s retreating forms. Everyone has left, and she knows tonight has punctuated the end of one era and the start of a new one.

She hears a muffled yawn behind her and sees Lena dropping onto the couch, stretching a little before curling her legs underneath her.

Well, almost everyone has left. 

Lena leans her head against the back of the couch and looks at Kara. She smiles as Kara steps closer and sits next to her. Her thigh presses close against Lena’s folded legs. It feels easy. It feels like home. 

Kara reaches out, her fingers grazing Lena’s shoulder. The red fabric of her shirt is so soft, and Lena’s skin is sure and warm underneath it. 

She grips it more firmly, and it’s only then that she meets Lena’s gaze. Lena smiles, her hand coming up to settle over Kara’s. Holding it there. 

“You know,” Lena says. “I never did get to finish saying what I wanted to tell you at the wedding.” 

Kara’s heart stutters at that. She remembers swaying slightly as they stood before each other, unable to stop herself from leaning closer to Lena. Kara remembers glancing down to Lena’s lips. She remembers almost ki-

“What else did you want to say?” Kara asks, stamping down that train if thought before it can take form. 

Lena’s fingers slip under Kara’s palm and she brings her hand into her lap. She runs her hands along the lines of Kara’s palm and it takes all of Kara’s willpower not to visibly tremble at the feeling. 

Kara nearly laughs at herself. She can face all the world’s worst villains without so much as a shudder, but Lena’s soft fingers are enough to bring her to her knees. 

Lena takes a while to start. Kara can see in her face the way she must be gathering her thoughts and trying to fit them together coherently. If her hand wasn’t trapped in Lena’s, she would have brushed her thumb over Lena’s forehead, smoothing out the wrinkle between her eyebrows.

“In the spirit of honesty and truth,” Lena finally says. “There’s something I should tell you, Kara. I should’ve told you this a long time ago.”

Lena pauses. Kara waits, threading her fingers through Lena’s and giving a reassuring squeeze.

“I know that-“ Lena tries. “I feel… You’ve always-" She cuts herself off with a frustrated sigh. 

“It's okay,” Kara tells her. “Take your time.” Whatever Lena wants to say to her, even though it might not be the one thing she wants to hear, it seems important.

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