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After Lena was cleared from all suspicion, she was let go and could make it home a free woman.

Free.. Ha-ha... She thought as she walked toward the balcony and lift her gaze up to the sky, looking for a figure she'd grown accustomed to seeing hover and land in her property wherever she went. Truthfully, a part of her more than expected, wanted to have the girl of steel come and let her know she'd be watching her every step, remind her she would never be truly free for as long as she had a breath. But the girl didn't come.

Lena let out a deep, pained sigh.

Her balcony had been open for Supergirl to come to her, so many times before, but now emptiness would be her only company and shut that liar out, she would. She would make that woman suffer the way she was, too.

Oh, Kara.

It hurts.This one hurt much more than any other betrayal in the extent of her forsaken life. By now Lena should be used to it, used to being used by the people she cared about most, and yet she wasn't. She could present herself to the world as a woman of steel in own right; unbreakable, except to her, to the actual girl whose heart was made of cold steel and who took advantage of poor little miss Luthor's need for someone-anyone to call a friend.

"How could I be so stupid!" Lena chastised herself. Opening my heart to her, "I shouldn't have!"

In her hand she held a picture of both of them, all smiles and joy... all lies. She took another sip from her wine, looked once more to the empty sky and enraged she wanted to turn that piece of paper into tiny shreds, but couldn't. She felt strength leave her body and just cried herself to sleep, repeating in her mind she would never make the same mistake again, swore her heart would become an impenetrable fortress of solitude itself.

Kara was having her own moment of mourning, too, weeping at the friend she lost as she looked at the same picture in her hands, feeling miserable, wrapped in a blanket that did nothing to bring back the warmth to her trembling body. This particular night seemed darker and felt colder and she needed sunshine to recover. But not just any sunshine; she needed the light that came from seeing Lena's smile beamed at her one more time.

Just once.

She wanted so much to see Lena, wanted to fly up to her balcony and sweep her off her feet, tell her they would work this out, that their friendship was worth it, beg Lena to give her the chance and she would prove herself over and over again, as many times as necessary. But she also wanted to respect her request for space. It was taking all her might to do that but she would honor Lena's wish to be left alone, even if this distance was sucking the light out of her every cell.

"I can't live like this!"

Kara cried, clutching the picture against her chest, feeling a new kind of ache she hadn't felt before, one that squeezed and sucked her soul into a black hole starting in her heart, and for a moment she thought she might die, but all she did was lose conscience until the next day.

Kara tried to focus on her work at CATCO, to keep her mind off Lena, but couldn't. She could barely hold herself up in the office as all her thoughts would bring her back to green, saddened eyes, filled with disappointment in her.

She'd wanted to protect Lena but all she'd done was break her.

"I know I don't deserve a chance but I can't go another day without seeing her, Alex," she said to her sister.

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