❤💚My Kryptonite

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Lena Luthor: Is there something you'd like to tell me?

Kara let the text sit unanswered for three days. There were a lot of things she wanted to tell Lena. Big things. Little things. World-altering alien things. Secrets one and all. Kara had the sick, sinking feeling that she knew exactly which of those things Lena was referring to, and she didn't have any idea what she was going to do about it. So she did nothing, and told no one, for a little longer than seventy two hours. And then, without fully realizing that she had made up her mind, she left for L-Corp.

Lena was in her office. Lena was always in her office at 6pm on a weekday unless she was with Kara, a fact which ordinarily drove Kara to frustration on behalf of a best friend for whom she wanted a more fulfilling life, but which today was a boon. It made Lena easy to find, and Kara needed easy. She needed easy because she suspected that when she saw Lena, things were going to become very, very difficult.

She stood outside of Lena's office now, waiting for Jess to give her the go-ahead. She could have just flown in through the balcony to get any lingering pretense out of the way, but somehow that didn't feel right. Kara was Lena's best friend, not Supergirl, and Kara had to be the one to show up at her door. So she waited, letting the long moments trickle by until the only thing that kept her from busting into that office to demand Lena let her get this over with already was a guilt so intense that Kara thought it might literally be weighing her down.

When Jess finally signaled that Kara was cleared to see Lena, she almost couldn't bring herself to do it. She pushed the door open a crack at first, and then had to take a deep breath before she could step all the way through it. Even then, she lingered just inside as the door clicked shut behind her, unwilling or unable to approach the figure that stood, back turned, at the far window.

Lena half turned, as if looking at Kara out of the corner of her eye, but wouldn't face her. She held a wine glass loosely in one hand, the other tucked into the pocket of her suit jacket. Kara wondered if it was cold. She wondered what it was she was supposed to say, and felt with every second ticking by that silence was worse than any words she might summon to her lips.

In the end, she forgot all the pretty opening lines she'd rehearsed in her mind over the last twenty four hours. What came out of her mouth was, "How did you know?" And she cringed a little, because those words of all words made it sound as though she wished her secret were still, well, secret. They didn't convey any of the relief she had been feeling. They didn't convey any of the regret.

Lena smiled that sad, pensive smile, her eyes on her wine glass. "Lex told me."

Kara nodded slowly. She had questions, but it didn't seem like the right time. "That's not how I wanted you to find out," she admitted.

Lena let out a single harsh note of laughter. "Oh, so you did want me to find out? Someday, when it was convenient for you? And when do you think that might have been? It isn't as though you've never had the opportunity to tell me the truth." She rounded on Kara as the wine glass, forgotten, slipped from her fingers to shatter on the floor. Kara flinched. Lena stood perfectly still, gaze unwavering, eyes dark.

It was the space of three heartbeats before Kara moved. There was broken glass all over the floor. Somehow, it was Kara's fault. Lena could have been hurt. Lena could still get hurt. She tried not to think about how hurt Lena already was. "Let me just-" she began, but Lena stopped her with a look.

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