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“Thanks for getting together today”, Kara said taking a seat on Clark and Lois’s cozy leather couch.

Clark stoked the fire as Kara leaned forward and poured two cups of piping hot tea.

“I’m always here for you Kara. You don’t have to thank me. What’s on your mind?”

“Where’s Lois?”

Clark sat back in his large recliner and sipped at the steaming cup of chamomile. The smell of the soothing herbal tea and Clark’s calm demeanor, calmed Kara’s nerves.

“She’s having lunch with an old friend from college. It’s just us, cousin. What’s on your mind?”

“It’s Lena. I need your advice.”

“Of course. What’s going on with Lena?”

Kara set her cup of tea down on the coffee table and took in a deep breath. She exhaled sharply and rubbed the top of her legs nervously. She took in a a long deep breath and proceeded to speak at breakneck speed to get all of her thoughts out quickly.

“I’m just going to rip the bandaid off. So, Lena found out that I was Supergirl from Lex before he died. When she found out from him instead of me, she felt completely betrayed. She didn’t tell me she knew immediately. Her heart started to fill with pain and darkness. She was understandably hurt that I didn’t tell her since we were supposed to be best friends. When I did tell her, I tried desperately to explain to her that I wanted to protect her, but she just wouldn’t hear me.”

“That’s awful, Kara. I’m so sorry.”

“Oh, I haven’t even scratched the surface. It gets way worse. So, Lex isn’t dead and is back to wreak havoc on National City. I just found out that Lena and Lex are working together on something. I don’t know what it is, but if it involves Lex, I am sure it is evil. She has been going dark for a while. I’ve been giving her a lot of leeway because I felt guilty, but finding out that she was working with Lex, snapped me out of my guilt spiral. I told her if she continued to work with Lex, I would have no other choice but to treat her like any other villain.”

Clark’s face dropped and he shook his head.

“I had to have a very similar conversation with Lex years ago. It sounds like you tried everything you could. You are a true and loyal friend.”

“There’s just one minor snag in all of this.”

“What’s that?”

“I am madly, deeply, passionately in love with her.”

Clark sat back and took a moment to consider Kara’s words. His mouth widened into a smile, but his eyes were sad.

“Well, that does complicate matters a bit, doesn’t it? I had no idea. I’ve always known you two had a bond, but I never would have suspected. How long have you loved her?”

“If I’m being honest...I think I’ve loved her since the moment we met. My feelings have grown every minute of every day since our hearts occupied the same space.”

“Madly, deeply, passionately. I see it now, cousin.”

“I would sacrifice everything to be with her. I would do wrong for her. I’d give my life for her. I worked with a trickster named Mxyzptlk to try and change the past, but no matter what I did, we never found a way to be together. When I found a way to get her to forgive me, everything else went wrong. In the end, I had no other choice, but to accept the consequences of my actions.”

“How can I help?”

“You love Lois more than I’ve ever seen one human being love another. If you were in my shoes, would you keep trying?”

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