~Part 2~

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Y/ns Pov
Me and Kie we're walking to the Chateau to go hangout with the boys. I was so excited to see them. It's been years. It didn't take us long to get there because I live pretty close. I saw the van pulled up by the house so the boys should be home. I saw JJ, John B and Pope walk out of the chateau. They looked over at us while we were walking up to them. The smile on the boy's face was great. I've never seen them smile like that before. I ran up to JJ and gave him a big hug.

 We finally stopped hugging so I could give Pope and John B a hug. "I've missed you guys so much." I said while hugging Pope. "We've missed you to" John B said with a big smile on his face. "Anything change with you guys?" I asked. They all looked at each other, then looked at me. "Just my dad missing." John B said. "Oh, that must suck." I spoke. I looked at the time. It was around 2 o'clock and I had absolutely nothing to do. "Wanna do something?" I asked them. "Like what." Asked Kie. I shrugged. "We could go on the Pogue." Said Pope.

 I looked at Kie, then JJ. "Sure, let's go. I got to go to my house really quick though" I said. I ran to my house because it was close. I ran through the door to see my dad passed out on the couch. I went into my room and changed into a swimsuit.

After i got changed into my swimsuit, I put my shirt and shorts back on and shoes

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After i got changed into my swimsuit, I put my shirt and shorts back on and shoes. When I was leaving the house, I heard my dad yell "Y/n! Where are you going?" I just yelled "Out with some friends!" I started walking back to the chateau, and I saw JJ and John B getting the Pogue ready. I walked over to Kie, and she was getting some beers and some snacks. 

"You ready to have some fun?" Kie asked me. "Yep, I sure am." I answered while walking over to the Pogue to where the boys were. The boys were already on the boat wait for us. "Could you guys be any slower?" JJ said while smiling at me, "I can walk slower." I said, smiling back. Me and Kie finally made it to the Pogue. Kie got on the Pogue, and I got on after her. "Let me help you, cupcake." JJ said while putting his hand out to help me on the Pogue. I grabbed his hand and got on the Pogue.

 "Let's go." Kie said while getting a beer for all of us. John B started driving. After a couple of beers, JJ tried to do his beer trick. "Hey Pope, go faster." JJ said, getting up trying to drink his beer while it keeps missing his mouth. "You're getting beer I'm my hair!" Kie said while moving over "oh my god." Pope said covering his face. "All right, you're done." John B said while laughing a little. I really couldn't do anything but laugh, so I did. "JJ you're going to get hurt" I said. Next thing I know, the Pogue throws JJ off and stops out of nowhere, tossing Kie to the floor of the Pogue with me.

 "You ok JJ?" Pope asks JJ. "I think my heels touched the back of my head." JJ answers. I laugh at what JJ said while getting up. "Jeez Pope, what did you do?" I questioned him. "I think we hit a sandbar. Channel change" He answered. "No shit." JJ says swimming back. "You ok Kie?" I hear John B ask, "I'm alright." Kie answers. "Hey, I saved the beer though" JJ says. Pope stands up and goes to the front of the boat and looks at the water.

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