~Part 7~

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Y/ns pov
Next thing I know, the thunder is still rumbling like crazy and we're still out in the water on Heyward's boat. John B said that there's a moment in every kid's life when you feel like anything's possible. When you feel like you've got the total mojo. You could, I don't know, free-climb El Capitan, land on Mars, or, uh...get elected president. The whole world's there for the taking if you've got the sack to go for it. And then, when you least expect it, some Kook shows up and tells you there's no eternal mystery. And then all that talk about free-climbing and Mars and the president... bullshit. Magic gets cancer and dies.

As we were all looking at the screen, I just stood walked over to JJ. John B let out a sigh. "It's not there. Look, just- just pull the drone up." John B said as the thunder rumbled once and again and he cursed under his breath "Shit." and he looked down "Look, we can do another pass. Recharge the battery. We can— we can go back down." Pope said and John B walked to the other side of the boat. "We've done it three times. There's nothing there." JJ yelled "Shut up!" Kie yelled back "What? it's true!" JJ yelled back, "Guys, can we like not yell please?" I said, as I scratched my head.

"The gold could be buried. We don't know." Kie said, and she shrugged her shoulders. "If it was there, it would've been found on the metal detector, okay? Somebody beat us to it." John B yelled, "Or it was never there." JJ said with a pissed off look on his face and I looked over at him. John B sat down and put his hood on and was silent for the rest of the way home. John B went on his boat and went home. Me and JJ and Pope went and parked his dad's boat and Kie went to work for a while.

As I went to walk back to my house, I hear JJ "Hey Yn! Wanna hangout today?" JJ asked me and i turned around "Ooh, JJ Maybank. Did you just ask me to hangout for once?" I said as I walked up to him. "Yea, I am." JJ said as he laughed. "I can hangout for about an hour or two but I gotta work later." I said, looking up at him and he just gave me a thumbs up. As me and JJ got a drink from The Wreck and walked down to the beach and sat and looked at the ocean "Hey Yn?" JJ asked and he looked over at me "Yea what's up?" I responded as I looked at him "I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go to midsummer's together, I know it's a Kook and you probably don't like it but I'm working there that night and wanted to go with you to." JJ asked me and explained "Oh JJ. Of course, I'll go with you. How could I say no to you. But I do get to get to work." I said as I stood up and gave him a quick kiss and went to work and JJ went to shoot his gun or something.

I walked into The Wreck and went into the back and clocked in as I was walking from the back. I was putting my hair up in a bun. "Hey Kie." I said as I walked past "Hey Y/n/n." She responded as I walked up to a table to do their order. I saw Rafe at the table with his friend. I don't know who, but Rafe never comes here. "Hey. What do you want?" I asked as I death stared at him "Oh. Hey Yn. I would like fries and a coke, please." Rafe said and smiled at me, "And you?" I asked his friend "Just water." His friend said as I walked away, I heard Rafe yell my name "Yn!" And I turned around "What Rafe?" I responded, "You look good." He responded "Thanks? I guess." I said and went to get their order ready. I took them their order and gave them their check. I had about an hour left of my shift. After Rafe was done eating, he and his friend left. "Bye Y/n. Thank you." Rafe said, and they walked out. After my shift was over, Kie and I hung out with JJ and Pope and went to the movie.

Kie was holding a bag and I was holding my blanket and Pope was holding his chair and JJ had his backpack and a cooler. "I'm so glad that they're still doing this." Kie said as we all were walking over to our spot. "Keep calm. Carry on." she added "Yep." I spoke. "Welcome to the summer movie series." the announcer announced. "Back to OBX life. You know? Aren't you glad I made you come?" Kie said "No, not really." I responded "Ecstatic." Pope said, and he cleared his throat. "My couch was pretty comfy, I'll be honest." JJ said and Pope stared to whisper to JJ, "Were out of the green zone, man." and JJ sat down the cooler. "Dude, tranquilo, okay?" JJ said, "We're in the middle of Kooklandia. This is the last place I wanted to be." Pope whispered and set his things down "Shut up, Pope." JJ said. Kie and I went to the concession stand.

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