~Part 11~ (Pt. 2)

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As we were pulling in to get the stuff to get the gold, Pope spoke up, "Listen, we gotta be done before my scholarship interview in the morning." And I nodded my head. "Okay, well, we gotta focus." Kie said, "It'll be fine. I hope." I said as we were getting out of the truck, "We got John B and JJ inside the well, and me up top. Y/n, you and Sarah will be outside transporting." Pope explained, "Yeah, we got this." Kie said, "Cool." Pope said, "Uh, I got a winch." Pope said as he walked to the back of the truck, "Okay." I said as I followed Kie. "That tin can hold over, like... 200,300 pounds." Pope pointed at the tin and explained, "Thanks." Kie said as she opened the tailgate. "Uh, what for?" Pope asked, "Stranding us. You know, making us make up." Kie said, "Yeah, thanks. The three of us needed that." I said, "What makes you think that was me?" Pope asked, and I just laughed.

Out of nowhere, there was this whirring sound, and some random lights turned on. "What the hell?" Pope asked, and the three of us looked around. "Who the hell is that?" Kie asked, and we all walked towards the back of the Chateau and a random cork popped. The next thing we saw was JJ shitfaced in a hot tub. "What did you do, JJ?" Pope asked JJ, "I got a jet going straight up my butt right now." JJ said and laughed about it. "Y'all should get in immediately, you hear me?" JJ said and poured the alcohol into the glasses. "Salud!" JJ added and moved the glass in the air, then drank out of the bottle. "J, how much did this cost?" I asked as I looked at everything.

  "Uh... Well, with the generator, the petrol, and, oh, hey, express delivery..." JJ chuckled. "Pretty much all of it, yeah." JJ finished, and my jaw dropped. "All of it?" Pope asked, "Yeah, all of it." JJ said, "You spent all the money in one day?" Pope also asked, "Yeah, I burned a hole right through my pocket. But, I mean, like, come on, guys, like look at this!" JJ said with excitement, "Finest in jet-based massage therapy, that's what they told me." JJ said and looked at me and Kie. "Kie, what? He asked and threw his arms up. "J... Are you serious?" I asked and just looked at him with disappointment. "Can't a man have a little luxury in life? Come on, all this scrimping' and scrapin'..." JJ said and took his sunglasses off. "I mean, like guys, we—you only live once, right?" He added, as he totally ignored my question, "Enough of this emotional shit. Get in the Cats Ass. Come on." JJ said and waved his hand towards him. "In the what?" Kie asked, "In the Cats Ass." JJ repeated, "That's what I named her. Oh, hey, yo, I almost forgot." JJ said and switched a button, and water just started squirting out. "Huh? Yeah, that's right, I know. Disco mode. That's right, baby!" JJ said it with excitement and leaned back. "Are you kidding me?" You could've paid for restitution!" Pope said, and Kie added, "Or literally giving it to any charity!" And I just stood there. "You could have helped us buy supplies to get the rest of the gold!" Pope yelled and threw his hands up.

The next thing you know JJ stands up and yells, "Okay, well, you know what?"  and there were bruises all over him. "I didn't do that! I got a hot tub! For my friends. I got a hot tub for my friends. You know what? No, you know what? Screw friends. I got a hot tub for my family!" JJ explained to us, "JJ, what the hell happened?" I asked with tears rolling down my face, "I got this for you. Guys, look what I did for you! All right? Look at this!" JJ said as he ignored me again, and he turned around and showed us, "Look at this!" He said, with tears in his eyes, "JJ." Kie said, shaking her head, "No, you stop being emotional. It's fine, okay?" JJ said and took a deep breath. "I mean, it's sweet, right? Everything—just get in." He started, and I walked up to the hot tub and got in and just hugged him, and he just hugged back and cried, and I also cried, "I just couldn't do it." JJ said as he cried in my arms, "I can't take him anymore!" JJ said with some anger in his voice, "I was gonna kill him y/n." JJ said as he hugged me a little tighter. Kie and Pope got in the hot tub and hugged me and JJ as we all cried, "I just wanna do the right thing." JJ said, "I know. I know." Kie said.

Everyone got out of the hot tub but JJ and me. "Cmon J. Let's get you laid down." I said as I put my hand out for his. He just looked at my hand for a minute, then he grabbed it and got out. Then I shut everything off, grabbed his hand again, and walked him to the Chateau. When we got inside, I walked him to the guest bedroom and sat him down on the bed. "Y/n. I'm sorry." JJ said, and I sat by him, "For what?" I asked, "Everything." He said, looking at the ground, "We will talk about it tomorrow." I said as I got up, "Okay." JJ said, and I changed into some pajamas and sat back down and look at JJ. I kissed him softly on the lips, and we both laid down and went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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