~Part 8~

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Y/ns pov

Today is midsummers and Pope is working there, and JJ asked me to go with him and Kie also invited me to go. I was sitting in my room in silence, and I heard my dad walk into the house. "Yn! you home?" he yelled from the living room. "Yeah, I'm in my room!" I yelled back, "Come here please!" he yelled, and I got up and walked out to the living room. "Hey dad." I said as I got a water bottle from the fridge and walked back into the living room where my dad was standing "Hey you okay?" he asked as he pointed at my arm that was hurt "Yea I just tripped and fell and landed on my arm." I said as I laughed with my dad. "Yea. Do you like being back at OBX?" my dad asked me "yea I do. I missed it a lot." I said as I took a drink of my water. "Good. Thats great. Well, I got to get to work. I love you, Yn. Go hang with your friends." my dad said as he gave me a hug. "I love you too dad have a good day. Thank you." I said as I hugged him back and he walked out and left.

I walked back into my room and called Kie and invited her over. About thirty minutes later I hear a knock at my door, and I get up to get it and it's Kie, so I invite her in. "Hey girly!" Kie said as she walked in and hugged me. "Heyy!" I said as I hugged her back and we went to my room so I could get ready. "Hey, have you heard from JJ?" I asked and Kie looked up from her phone "Uh, no but he'll be okay and we can go over to John Bs later to check if you want." Kie said "Yeah. Okay." I said, as I finished getting ready.

" I said, as I finished getting ready

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Best friends to lovers (JJ Maybank X Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now