~Part 9~

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There are only three kinds of relationships in the animal kingdom. The first is commensalism. One example... fish finding hiding spots in coral reefs. Fish profit, but life for coral doesn't change. Then, there's mutualism... a relationship where both animals benefit from each other. The tricky thing about animals is you don't always know what kind of relationship you're in. Which brings me to relationship number three. The parasitic

Y/ns pov
I woke up to JJ's arms latched around my waist. I tried to wiggle out, but it didn't work. JJ tightens his grip.

"JJ." I groaned and kept wiggling, trying to get out of his grip. "Just stay a little longer, please." JJ said, as he still had a grip around me. "No, come on, we gotta get up and go to The Wreck." I said, as I finally got out of his grip.

"Nooo Yn. Come back." JJ begged me and gave me puppy eyes and I turned around and looked at him and walking over to him and grabbed both of his hands and tried to pull him up. "Come on, J." I said as I was pulling him. Next thing I know, JJ yanked me on to the bed next to him.

"JJ, I'm serious. Get up I said as I yanked the blanket off of him and slapped his bare chest softly. "Fine." He said as he got up and I got ready. 


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Best friends to lovers (JJ Maybank X Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now