~Part 5~

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Y/ns Pov
(This chapter kinda long)
Next day from finding John Bs dad's compass. Apparently, for nine months, people have tried to get John B to believe his dad is dead. They say he's in denial. Ever since we found that compass, John B has been acting different. I don't know though. I was sleeping peacefully in the spare bedroom at the Chateau. Usually, I spend nights there. I woke up and looked around. I was so tired, but I got out of bed and went to see if John B was here, but he wasn't don't know where he went. So, I walked into the spare bedroom and got ready. While I got ready, I remembered where John B went. He went to go take the scuba gear back to The Cameron's boat.

 He went to go take the scuba gear back to The Cameron's boat

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