~Part 11~

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Y/ns Pov
Later that day, the others showed up. Sarah, Kie and I were sitting in the back of the Twinkie looking at a drawing "He said it looked something like this." Kie said as she pointed at the drawing "So..." Sarah said and I just nodded my head

"That's 50 feet down, and they're using 100-feet rope. So, I guess this little wagon will go..." Kie was explaining, and Sarah and I busted out laughing "Straight to the gold room." Kie finished explaining and laughed a bit.

"Who drew this?" I asked and laughed. "Who do you think?" Kie asked, and we were all laughing, and we looked over at JB and Pope and Pope looked at Kie and went back to helping JB.

Next thing we hear is JJ, and he's walking up to us. "Kie! This better work." JJ said and tossed the three gold bars onto the floor of the Twinkie next to me, "We can't pawn this if there's a giant wheat symbol on it." JJ explained and leaned against the Twinkie and looked down at me.

Kie pulled a blow torch out of her backpack and showed JJ, "It will work." I said as I smiled and Kie and Sarah smiled at me. Sarah went to hang out with JB and sat down by the tree. Before Kie and I started to melt the gold John B speaks up "Y/n! Come here." John B said "What?" I asked as I walked over to him "Are you going to explain what happened with you and JJ the other night. Remember No Pogue-on Pogue Macking." John B said and I looked at him and let out a small laugh "Um I'm not sure if I am ready to tell you what happened." I said as I walked back to Kie.

Me and Kie put our safety glasses on and put the gold into a metal container and start to melt it down with the torch. Pope and JJ did their handshake and watched the two of us.

We all jumped into the Twinkie and drove to the pawn shop. JJ opened the door and had a towel and was holding the gold "Hell of a job melting it down, Dr. Frankenstein's." JJ said towards Kie and me. We just looked at each other and laughed.

"Like you could've done better." Kie said "I could have." JJ said, "Yeah right." I said as I got out and closed the door "I took a welding class." JJ argued "When?" Kie asked JJ.

JB got in his face "Whoa, whoa. Hey. Sh!" John B said and the two looked at John B "Chill out, okay?" John B added.

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one that has to pawn this piece of shit off." JJ said and held the gold up "How did I get this job anyway?" JJ asked, "We was gonna have Y/n do it, but we decided you instead because she didn't want to, and she said that you would be happy to do it." Pope explained and JJ started to walk to the pawn shop.

"No, I said he was the best liar." I said and laughed and followed them "Bullshit Y/n." Pope said and put his arm around me, and we just laughed, and JJ went in the pawn shop, and we followed JJ in.

"Afternoon, ma'am." JJ said "Afternoon." The lady said I walked past JJ and followed Kie to look around. "I see you buy gold." JJ said and walked up to the counter, "That's what the sign says, don't it?" The lady spoke and the others kept looking around.

"Well, I sure hope you buy a lot of it, because I'm about to blow your mind." JJ said and took his backpack off and put it on the counter and reached into the backpack "I ain't got much mind left to blow, so have at it." The lady said and JJ pulled out the gold and put it on the counter and heard it hit the counter when JJ put it down.

"How about them gold apples?" JJ said, and the lady shook her head and chuckled, "That ain't real." The lady said as she kept laughing.

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