Twelve: Brett and E.I.D

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Mia's P.O.V:

The game started. I was sitting between Mason and Violet, but while trying to catch up with Garrett's movements, making sure Liam stood away from him and trying to telepathically communicate with either Scott, Kira or even Stiles to beg them to be safe; it felt like I was sitting in another world, watching a ridiculously dangerous lacrosse game.

We never took our eyes out of the field; we had pretty much the same reactions for everything.

Liam crashed to the ground while the other team made a goal. Two other players from Devenford had pushed him too hard to the floor. I covered my mouth with my hands, picturing the worst scenario when Liam took his helmet and gloves out and was just about to rip the guys' faces.

Luckily, his Alpha and the sidekick were there to stop him from murdering someone.

Tense glances between Liam, Scott and Brett passed by and the game continued.

I couldn't believe Liam was actually jealous of Brett. The guy was good looking, but he was a jerk. Kind of the impression Liam himself gave me the first time we met. But he had proved me ever since that he was completely the opposite.

Stiles threw the ball at Kira and she easily made a goal. I stood up as I cheered my somehow new friend. I didn't know her at all, but I still had her number in case I had an emergency.

If there was something good about the whole Scott-having-a-pack thing, it was that we weren't alone anymore. Liam and I and even Mason were protected by a group of stupidly brave teenagers. We had each other now, like it or not.

Next thing I knew, Kira was benched. Coach seriously needed to put himself together.

Well, at least she was safe from Garrett. I wondered what they were going to do about him. They weren't going to kill him, right? Even though he was the bad boy, Scott was the good boy. Good boys don't kill fifteen years old bad boys.

The game only got more and more violent. That violent, that this one time, a boy from Devenford Prep sent Liam flying to the ground. He could have broken an arm, except for his super ability to heal.

I was very near to a heart attack and I didn't know what to do or how to help from here.

Suddenly, the stage changed: the boy who had hit Liam to the ground was actually Brett, and he ended up worse than Liam himself.

They took Brett out of the field and after a silent conversation with Coach; Liam was next to Kira on the bench.

In the middle of the confusion, Violet disappeared. Not that Mason and I cared anyways.

Stiles was frantically saying something to his friends I couldn't hear from where I was standing, but by the looks of it, it seemed relevant.

So relevant, that the Team's Captain left the field and ran towards the locker room at a speed I could only dream of.

"Looks like the game's over," Mason said.

I tried to smile at him. "Yeah."

"I'm heading home now, want a ride?"

"I'm fine, dad will come for me."

Mason said goodbye and once he was out of view, I got closer to Liam.

"What's going on?" I say while trying to catch my breath.

"Brett," Liam said.

The usual hate in his voice when he talked about him had been replaced with worry.

"What with him?"

"Remember the dead pool?" Stiles rolled his eyes.

"The one Lydia was trying to break at the party?"

"Yes, that one," Liam said. "I'm still not on the list, but Brett is."

"Is Brett also a werewolf?"

"We don't know what he is, but Garrett was after him the whole time," Kira explained.

Stiles excused himself and walked in the direction Brett and Scott had gone a few moments ago.

"So, what we do now?" Liam asked Kira with a hint of nervousness.

"The police will be here any minute." I could tell Kira was nervous herself. "We should wait until then and if they don't have questions for you, go home."

Liam and I agreed with her words and we three waited on the bench until we heard the undeniable cop's car getting closer.

Kira excused herself to answer her phone, leaving us alone in an intense silence.

My eyes wondered to Liam, who was staring at the ground.

"I didn't ask for it, you know," he said, rubbing his face with his hands. "But it was either the bite or me falling down the rooftop of the hospital."

No one had told me why Liam was what he was in the first place, so it was a bit of a shock for me to hear it for the first time.

"It's going to be okay. We'll be fine."

"Thank you," he said, looking at me for the first time.

"What for?"

"Supporting, understanding, staying...everything, really."

And despite the cold night and the anxiety growing inside of me, his words were enough to make me warm.

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