Fourteen: kidnapped and orphaned

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Mia's P.O.V:

Next Monday Liam and I tried to act normal, like nothing happened; like we weren't completely overwhelmed by a situation way bigger than us.

"Hey, anchor," he greeted me.

"Hey, puppy," I smiled at him. "What are you up to?"

"I'm about to use my free period to go have a run with Mason," he said. "I just came to say hi."

"Well, how cute of you," I said. Looking everywhere to see if there was someone hearing, I lowered my voice. "How are you handling things so far?"

"I'm fine, I guess. Full moon is over after all."

"Do you know anything about that Brett boy?"

He shrugged, a worried look crossing his face.

"I think he's fine. If not, Stiles would have mentioned it. You know that he was on the list and so am I."

"Not yet," I said, holding on to Scott's weak faith.

"I will be once they break the third part," he said, looking more and more worried.

"Hey, we'll be alright, okay?" I cupped his cheek with my hand, making him jump a little. "Sorry."

"Not, it's...I mean, it's cool, fine," he tripped on his own words. "I should go now, Mason is waiting for me."

He pulled me in for a hug, which I gladly accepted and then we was gone.

I collected my stuff and went to spend my free time on the lacrosse field.

Liam's P.O.V:

I was an inch close to explode and this time it wasn't due to my disorder. It was about worry, desperation; it was about the answers I needed badly and no one was giving me.

I didn't like being a werewolf; I didn't want to be one.

You're going to change, he said. The bite is a gift, he said. Everything will be alright, he said.

Well, I had one word for Scott McCall: bullshit.

He and his friend in leather and his whole pack and annoying Stiles and the dead pool could go to hell. I wasn't meant to be on that list and now I was in the top ten. I had to live with the fact that, more sooner than later, someone would come and kill me.

Besides, I hated lying to Mason and putting Mia in danger. And, oh, I could have perfectly lived my life without knowing Garrett and Violet killed people for money.

Mason was rambling about this same thing. This kind of stuff usually got him pumped up, as creepy as it sounds.

"They were never our friends, they just used us for cover. I mean, professional killers were using us! How aren't you freaking out?"

"Trust me," I told him, "I'm freaking out about a lot."

And I wish I could have told him everything. But for some reason I got the feeling that Mason would've judge me. So I did the one thing I've done ever since the holy bite: I ran.

Away from my problems, away from Mason and away at a speed I wouldn't have been able to reach if it wasn't for Scott and the wendigo's fiasco.

When I came back to my senses and turned around, I realized Mason was nowhere to be seen.

But before I could jog back to him, I was violently hit by a car. And a car I had seen many times before: Garret's.

My nose was bleeding and I think he broke a rib. A rush of calmness ran through me as I knew I was going to heal. However, panic and anger were way stronger, because it was pretty obvious that Garrett knew what I was and he was going to end with my life right there, right in that moment.

Thank God I saw Mia one last time.

"Hey, Liam," Garrett said, holding a knife in his hand.

I couldn't just stand up and run, I was in too much pain. Anger-due to my problem, not my wolf nature-grew inside of me.

"Sorry for missing movie night," he continued as he stepped closer. "But don't worry; I've got something else planned."

I heard Mason's steps as he ran in this direction.

But Garrett was faster.

He stabbed me with his knife and then everything went black.

And to think I had called him my friend.

Mia's P.O.V:

Free period and one class later, I couldn't find either Mason or Liam.

And I started to panic. What if someone went after Liam already?

I frantically walked around school (more like jogging), until I caught a sight of Scott.

"Scott, hey!" I called after him. He turned around and smiled. However, his smile disappeared as soon as he saw my expression.

"What's wrong?" he said, taking my forearm.

"Mason and Liam went out for a run and I haven't seen any of them. They were supposed to be back, about forty minutes ago," I said.

After all of the traumatic events I had gone through, I had learnt to trust Scott McCall.

"Are both of them in your class?" Scott asked me.

"At least Liam is," I shrugged. "Mason has biology, but I haven't seen him either."

"Hey, guys." As if on cue, Mason was here. Oh, thank God. "Any idea of where Liam is?"

"Wasn't he with you?" Scott asked him.

"Yeah, but he ran too fast for me to catch him. I thought he'd come back here."

Scott and I looked at each other. His face said it all: someone had him.

"Let's ask Coach and see if he knows something?" he proposed, in a failed attempt to calm us down.

"Mason, did you try calling him?" I asked on our way to Coach's office.

"At least four times," Mason said. "Did you?"

"No; I hadn't thought about it."

And just in case, I called one answered.

"Sorry, guys," Coach says, coughing really badly. "Liam skipped my class. Maybe he's sick, like me."

"Liam didn't look sick in our run," Mason said to Scott and I.

"Neither did he this morning," I added to my best friend's information.

"He's not replying any of my texts," Scott said.

"Mine neither," Mason sighed.

I understood him. Liam was his best friend and he didn't have a clue of what was happening to him.

The bell rang and the hall became loud.

"Don't worry," Scott said to Mason and I. "I'll find him. You text me if you see him?"

"Alright," Mason and I said at unison.

We started walking in the opposite direction, when I started to doubt Scott's words.

"Mason, I'll see you next class."

I didn't even give him time to ask, as I ran back to Scott.


He turned around, but before he could say anything, his phone went off.

The ID read "Liam."

He took my wrist and pulled me out of the emergency doors next to Coach's office.

"Liam?" he asked to the other side of the line, tapping the loudspeaker option.

"Sounds like you already know the answer to that."

It was Garrett.

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