Sixteen: trapped and orphaned

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Liam's P.O.V:

I woke up feeling wet and very weak. I didn't have to put much effort into knowing I was trapped inside a very, very deep hole in the middle of the woods. Question was why.

I moved to stand up and my chest hurt like a bitch. I realized I had an awful yellowish wound on it: Garrett.

Panic rushed through me, because the last person that saw me was Mason and he didn't have idea of all of this. He probably thought I went home or something.

I didn't know much about werewolves, but I had a slight feeling I was going to die, unless Scott was here to help me once again.

That wasn't the case.

"Help! Someone help me!"

It didn't work, none the first or the millionth time I cried for help.

The pain increased, I lost track of time and I never felt so lonely.

This was it; the sad end of Liam Dunbar. Never team captain, never kissed, never graduated and for sure never loved.

That was the price to pay for being saved at a shitty hospital by a supernatural teenager.

I couldn't think about anything at that moment. Garrett wasn't stupid; he had taken my phone with him.

Scott probably didn't even notice I was gone.

The only one who would remotely care was-

"Liam! Liam, are you here?"

Was Mia.

Mia was here, somewhere around the woods!

She sounded far away though. I had to think about a way to get her here.

Screaming wouldn't be an option since she doesn't have developed audition.

I would think about something, but the sound of her voice put me at ease.

I wasn't going to die and if I did, it would be with the sound of her voice calling my name.

Mia's P.O.V:

It had been almost three hours since I was walking around the woods in an attempt to look for Liam. I was as clueless as I was when I started and it'd get dark very soon. I had to do something.

Maybe calling for help would be an option, but the only one who'd answer would be Stiles and he's as human as me. That wouldn't work.

I thought that Garrett took Liam to a place where his car would fit, so for now I was staying in the path the whole time.

I was starting to give up. Calling Liam wasn't working and I had no other possibility.

I was hungry, lost and cold.

Night was quickly replacing twilight.

"Maybe I should go home," I mumbled to myself.

I turned around and walked back to where I came from, trying to get someone to give me a ride home.

It had been only five minutes, but I heard him.

I swear to God I heard him scream.

He had been close this whole time!

I ran in the direction of the voice. Halfway through it, I heard someone behind me.

I turned around to see Scott, running in the same direction as me.

He lifted me from the ground and kept running with me in his back.

"You've been here the whole time?" he asks, barely breathing.

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