Five: the bite and mute

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Liam's P.O.V:

Right after Mia left, the hospital became somehow really silent. My stepfather was nowhere to be seen and suddenly I heard this weird noise.

I called out for anyone a few times and seeing that no one was coming to help me, I stood up and did my best to walk towards the door. Mia would kill me if she saw me like this.

"Hey, anyone heard that?!" I called out one more time. The hall was silent and desert. "I thought I heard someone," I muttered to myself.

And then I saw it, the person or whatever it was that changed my whole life, the one who started everything. It looked like a teenager, but it wasn't; I could tell judging by the three rows of teeth and the amount of blood that wasn't his, covering his body and mostly his mouth, like he had just eaten up someone.

Seeing as I was the only living soul in this hall and that I could barely move, the boy who wasn't a boy quickly got a hold of me and dragged me around the hospital as I tried to move and scream and even run for my life.

When we reached the roof, I knew it, I felt it; I was going to die.

Either this unknown creature was going to kill me or I would fall down the building or I'd just have a heart attack because I didn't understand what the fuck was going on.

How could this thing have three rows of teeth? I thought that only happened in movies and video games. I thought it was fiction; yet, it never felt more real.

Adrenaline was rushing through me, along with the feeling of being defenceless.

I was going to die with a broken leg, without first line and without a date with Mia.

We were at the edge and I was still breathing hard, trying to get off the grip the fake teenager had around my neck.

"Get back!" he shouted when someone else came into the scene.

I tried to look and saw someone with a lot of facial hair.

"Wait, you don't need to do this!" the person that was here to save me looked quite an animal if anything. "Whatever it is, whatever you are! We can help you."

"No, you can't," he said as I was chocking into my own fear, breathing and his arm.

"Let me help you!" the stranger insisted.

"Wendigos don't need help," he talked, referring to himself as a wendigo. "We need food!" he then turned me around and there I was, struggling with a wendigo in order not to fall.

The stranger jumped, reaching our position and that's when I recognized him as the team captain.

Why did the team captain have this much facial hair and all of these animalistic features? I didn't have time to ask.

The wendigo pushed me down the edge as the captain pushed him in order to take my arms and help me out. Maybe I wasn't going to die.

The monster took the animalistic hero by the arms, making him let go of me.

"No, no!" I screamed, my life holding in just one of my arms. I couldn't hold on much longer and my broken leg didn't allow me to even try to climb up, adding the little fact that there was a killer waiting for me up there. "I can't hold on!"

And then, the weirdest thing ever, happened. Seeing as there was nothing to do with his hands tied up to his back, Scott McCall leant in and bit my wrist the second after I let myself go.

His mouth was somehow strong enough to keep me from falling, since his teeth were so deep into my skin I swear he was going to reach the bones as I let out a loud scream full of pain.

The wendigo stopped his actions and I was finally able to climb up. I leant against a wall just in time to watch my almost killer lying dead on the ground, a pool of blood forming into the back of his white shirt and a guy with no mouth disappearing down the hospital as Scott McCall's mouth was covered in my own blood and he still looked wild and primitive.

He resembled an animal, appearance and actions.

He stared at me as I cried in pain, trying to make the blood stop from getting out of my body and give him a questioning look. His teeth were marked on my skin as I kept losing blood and it kept hurting and I kept crying, thinking I was going to pass out any minute out of pain.

I was grateful that he saved my life, I just wished I had more answers and that made me mad, because he was just staring up at me, his mouth still covered in my blood, instead of giving me any explanation as to what just happened or at least asking how I was, if I needed anything...

He didn't even took me back to my hospital room so I could clean myself up. That made me mad at him, I never ever wanted anything to do with Scott McCall.

What I didn't know was that the wendigo wasn't what changed my life.

Scott McCall was.

He took his phone out of his pocket and called the police, as he referred to the person at the other side as 'Sheriff'. Then, he called his sidekick Stiles and told him to meet him at his house.

My stepfather could be freaking up right now but all Scott McCall cared about was meeting his best friend.

He then got closer to me and knelt down.

"I'm sorry," he said.

I wanted to ask why.

But all I remember was passing out.

While I was unconscious, I had a nightmare about Mia being attacked by the wendigo and I feared for her life. How many of them were out there?

The thought of Mia became the thought of my stepfather and then of Mason. We were all in danger, weren't we?

What did Scott McCall know that we didn't?

Little did I know, I was just about to find out.

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i really like this chapter, haha (: tell me if you liked it as well xx

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