Six: hugs and the benefactor

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Liam's P.O.V:

I woke up to another nightmare and attempted to scream. That's when I realized my mouth was shut, adhesive tape not only in my face but also my arms and legs.

Scott McCall kidnapped me.

I immediately struggled against my vulnerable chains but failed miserably. My forearm still hurt. A while went by when Scott opened the bath curtain, where he'd kept me, to reveal himself and his friend at the other side.

I tried to scream at them, to tell them to let me go home and never talk to me again.

I couldn't.

My stepfather was probably freaking out at that point.

Another five minutes passed by until they finally got me out of the bath and sat me on a chair. That's when my anger suddenly grew stronger than never before and I cursed myself for not taking my medicine.

I couldn't believe they were treating me like this, not giving me any answers after the traumatic night I just lived. I mean, Scott was really mad, he grew a lot of facial hair and some really sharp teeth, I was pretty sure there was something wrong with him.

Whatever it was, it didn't compare to the dude who almost killed me.

Stiles told me to remain quiet in order to take the tape out of my mouth. Seeing as I had no other option, I nodded.

"Okay, Liam. You've seen a lot of confusing things tonight," Stiles started. You don't say, you idiot. "More confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight. Do you understand?"

"Not really," I muttered. It seemed like I never had idea of what this boy talked about.

"Good, that's good!"

"I don't understand either," Scott said.

"Okay, maybe you should tell him," Stiles said like I was not even there, listening.

"Tell me what?" I interrupted, my anger threatening to get out again.

"Liam," Scott finally gave me the hope I'll understand anything. "What happened to you-what I did to you in order to save's gonna change you."

"Unless it kills you...I shouldn't have said that,,." Stiles talked.

Anger was replaced with fear. Scott just bit me, how in hell could that kill me?

"What?" I breathed, looking desperately at Scott.

An idea popped into my mind and so I did the one thing that could get me anything I wanted in a matter of seconds ever since I was born: I cried.

And it worked; they felt pity of me and untied me. Once I could stand up, they asked me several times if I was okay. I slowly took the chair I was sitting at and smashed it against Scott as a reply.

"Liam?! What the hell is your-" I hit Stiles on the face for all the times he'd made me feel uncomfortable ever since I met him.

I immediately ran past them and out to the hall, stopping dead in my tracks when I realized my leg was totally okay, like I never broke it in the first place.

This realization gave them time to stand up and go after me. I tried to escape but their idiotic minds send us rolling down the stairs.

I finally managed to leave them behind as I ran faster than I had ever ran in my entire life. How was that even possible? I didn't know. All I knew was that I could have run for miles without getting tired.

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