Fifteen: into the woods and orphaned

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Mia's P.O.V:

Of course Scott told me to stay at school and of course I said no. Garrett had told him to meet him outside, near the school buses we take every day.

Now that I knew Garrett was a psycho, my instinct told me to just stay out of it.

But it was Liam we were talking about. I couldn't let Liam alone; I promised him we would get out of this together. And if that meant I had to go confront Garrett, I'd do it...if Scott was there too.

He wasn't very happy about me joining the little meeting. He said it was dangerous, I shouldn't do it, and he had everything under control. And somehow I believed him. I didn't know what had happened to him, how he get to this point in which he felt he had the responsibility to save everyone.

The only thing I could tell is that he had had a hard time.

And even though I knew he could perfectly go against Garrett, I still felt like Scott was an idiot. Maybe the thing that moved him into saving everyone's lives and becoming a somehow anonymous hero was the fact that he was too innocent. He still believed people were good, people could change. He thought that maybe if he did what Garrett wanted, he'd have Liam back because he would've trusted Garrett's words.

But I knew better. My ex-friend was a liar. He was evil and had no mercy. I watched him play video games more than once, so trust me, I know.

"Mia, please understand; there's no way I'm letting you go alone into the woods."

"Aren't you going too?"

"Yes, but it's too dangerous!" Scott insisted. "Trust me, I got this."

I studied Scott's face for five seconds.

"You're hiding something, aren't you?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest. "What else did Garret say?"

"Nothing!" Scott answered faster than anticipated. "He said he had Liam and we'd be lucky if we found him."

"So you're giving for granted that he's dead?" I screamed and a few curious stopping to look at us.

"What are you talking about? Liam's my responsibility,"

"Then do something! Garrett said Liam would remain alive until the...the..."

"Wolfs bane," Scott pronounced whatever that word meant for me.

"Until wolfs bane reaches his heart. We have to find him before that."

There was nothing I could do. Scott wasn't giving up and he didn't tell me what Garrett said. I knew there was something else, Garrett wouldn't give away information without getting anything back.

I tried to look for Lydia or Stiles, but none of them was at school. I wasn't sure about Malia yet... I don't know, I guess she still intimidated me.

I could barely concentrate at History class. It made me so mad that Liam was somewhere in the woods, dying, and I was there, listening to stories that happened centuries ago.

Kira was still figuring out the whole thing with her mother and so I was alone.

I could have told Mason, but that would be explaining a very long story I figured Liam would like to explain eventually. Mason was the only one who stood by him all of this time.

I decided the better idea was to wait until classes were over. According to Scott, wolfs bane wasn't that fast. The brilliant idea would end up right there, because I had no idea where to start. He could have Liam hidden anywhere.

Once classes were over, I found myself not knowing what to do, at all.

I remembered Mason said they were out for a run when he disappeared and I decided it'd be a great place to start. Halfway through the road in which Beacon Hill students usually go for a run, I realized Garrett had this stupid car he carries everywhere.

I wanted to cry out of frustration. How was I supposed to find Liam before the poison found his heart?

There was still light, so I walked through the woods. I tried to memorize the way the best I could do.

Everything was so silent, it was almost scary. I started to wonder how good Scott and his pack knew this many adventures they had between this very same trees.

"Liam? Liam, are you in here?"

After I said that, I realized how ridiculous I was being. Of course Liam could hear me, even if he was at the other side of town. But there was no way I would get any sign of him unless he was two metres in front of me...and that wasn't the case.

"Liam! Liam! Please, Liam..."


I'm sorry i havent updated in ages and that this is so short and it sucks:c I'll update from Liam's p.o.v tomorrow, I love you if you're still reading this!

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