One: new kid and the dark moon

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Mia's P.O.V:

I slowly dragged myself to school. There was nothing I hated more than Mondays.

I was sleepy and I looked awful; too much for eight in the morning. I walked through the sea of people older than me in an attempt to look for my friends. Looked like everyone was older than me; being a freshman sometimes sucked.

I finally spot them near my locker. However, I didn't approach them. They were happily talking to a guy I had never seen before. They were laughing and looked really cheery.

I didn't know who he was or why he wasn't here last semester. All I knew is that he had these really captivating blue eyes I could easily recognize from across the hall.

I patiently waited for them to finish their conversation before walking towards my own damn locker. I quickly took the books I needed for the day and closed the locker, only to be face to face with this new guy.

"Holy fuck!" I jumped back, not really expecting that. "You scared the shit out of me."

A little smirk played on his lips as he looked at me up and down.

"You're cute," he stated.

"Uh, thanks." I gave him a strange look and took a step back. He just laughed at my reaction.

"You're friends with Mason?" he then asked, not leaning on the lockers anymore. The bell rang and relief washed over me.

"Sorry, I have to get to class." I turned around and walked towards my first class, which was biology.

So the new guy was a total jerk.

I didn't understand why he asked about Mason, because we're really good friends, but I found out later that he was friends with him as well.

And not only Mason, but Garrett, Violet and two more kids I used to hang out with.

Could Monday get even worst?

It did.

During maths I had zoned out, thinking about how I needed to go and buy a present for my mom, who was expecting my new sister to be born that week. She was already at the hospital, so I guess I could visit her anytime.

"Mia?" Mr A brought me back to life. "Can you give me the correct answer?"

I quickly glanced over at the exercise written all over the board.

"X equals zero," the words slipped through my mouth faster than expected.

"Perfect." And with that, Mr A allows me to go back to the thoughts of my mom.

A couple of minutes later I literally felt someone burning holes in the back of my head, if you know what I mean. I slowly turned around to catch the new kid intently staring at me from the other side of the classroom.

When he noticed I had caught him, he obviously looked away. Now, what the hell his problem was?

Free period I would usually walk through the lacrosse field with Mason, but that day in particular I didn't felt like it and just went to the library.

"How did you do that?" he asked, setting his books on the table and sitting across from me. "You weren't paying attention."

"What the hell are you talking about? Stop following me." I rolled my eyes as I let out a whisper, obviously not allowed to say it louder.

"I'm not following you!" he whined. "I want to know how you did that thing, back in maths. You weren't paying attention but you solved the freaking problem in less than two seconds." He looked frustrated.

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