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Hollyleaf opened her eyes, the last thing she remembered was being surrounded by her family and cats she loved saying her last goodbyes. She remembered closing her eyes darkness surrounding her and passing away with a smile on her face. I'm dead so why am I awake and where in starclan's name am I? She didn't feel well dead, she felt groggy and starved. She shifted her eyes adjusting to the darkness. I'm in a grave... Her stomach twisted in hunger. She tore her paws through the dirt digging her way out. She heard her heart pounding in her ears as she dug and dug climbing out of the grave. She gasped looking around her hunger the only thing driving her. She smelt blood; she followed the scent. She felt as if she couldn't control her own paws.

It led her to a large, red fox; it was a young adult. I should get awa- She couldn't control herself as she dashed forward leaping onto the fox's back and burying her fangs into its scruff. The fox screeched trying to throw her off, she sucked the fox's blood. The creature halted and kinda just stood there, she could hear its heartbeat lower to being calm. I'M SUCKING ITS BLOOD?? WHAT IN STARCLAN'S NAME! Hollyleaf wanted to pull away but couldn't. She pulled away her fangs tearing the skin of the fox making it throw her off. She snarled running back up and pouncing on the front of its neck baring her fangs back into it. Blood poured out soaking her pelt, but she began drinking and drinking until there wasn't anything else to drink. She let go feeling satisfied hunger wise but feeling absolutely horrified mental wise.

"Oh god... I think I'm gonna be sick.." Hollyleaf groaned passing out of the ground.

-Scarlet stream- (Hollyleaf vampire au)Where stories live. Discover now