-The full moon gathering- (9

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"You need to stop seeing her." Ivypool meowed immediately after they walked outside "What? Why?!" Cinderheart demanded halting, "You heard me I mean what if she's evil! What if she's lying to you? I mean I'm sure Mapleshade or Darkstripe are right in her thoughts telling her exactly what to do." Ivypool insisted her blue eyes in slits "No. I'd know! I know Hollyleaf better than anybody!" Cinderheart insisted "and besides you can't tell me what to do afterall you were my apprentice a couple moons ago." "Fine then. I can't stop you I guess" Ivypool muttered with a shrug walking off. Cinderheart chased after her "Look if anything happens, you'll be the first cat to know just.. don't say anything about the y'know 'undead warrior'" "Okay. Well, you're the cat who'll have to explain why you've been gone since last night."

"Fine" Cinderheart shrugged, the two walked in silence for the rest of the walk back to camp. "Cinderheart! There you are! Where have you been!?" Poppyfrost yowled running up to them as they walked into camp. Brackenfur ran up from behind Poppyfrost a worried expression laying across his face. "I uh- after my walk I uh-" "She went to sleep in the tunnels because she didn't wanna come back to the warrior's den" Ivypool interrupted but honestly it was half true, Cinderheart nodded "Well, they found more of those shriveled up bodies" Brackenfur meowed frantically "Blackstar and Rowanclaw came here earlier asking if we knew what was going on, it'll probably be brought up at the next gathering" He meowed with wide eyes and tail twitching every way possible. "I thought that the vampire got you!" Cried Poppyfrost brushing her muzzle against her shoulder. Cinderheart locked eyes with Ivypool for a second, "Well uh I didn't see any vampire while out there" She meowed pushing Poppyfrost away.

"Yeah well it was probably just full" Poppyfrost meowed "Cmon we have a patrol to get onto"


Cinderheart padded across the tree bridge her mind racing, she was glad Purdy wasn't coming but still her clanmates could still tell the story. There was also the whole thing with the dark forest and a 'secret weapon' hopefully the trainees would keep it to themselves. She smelt Riverclan and Shadowclan already on the island. WindClan was behind them her mind was whirling as she sat down "We need to start IMMEDIATLY." Yowled Onestar as he leaped onto the branches "What?" Mistystar looked confused "Agreed" Rasped Blackstar the clans went into pure silence, besides RiverClan who were murmuring in pure confusion "So we all know about those drained mice, squirrels, rabbits etc?" Asked Bramblestar, Mistystar tilted her head as the other two leaders nodded "What? Drained? What in Starclan's name does that mean?" "It means we have a vampire!" Cinderheart and Ivypool whipped their heads around to Thornclaw who had stood up.


"What's a vampire?"

"Is ThunderClan keeping secrets again?"

Cinderheart felt fear as cold as ice run through her veins. She locked eyes with Ivypool neither of them spoke but they both agreed that most likely Hollyleaf is in deep fox-dung.

(Authors note)
Sorry again! I struggled with writing this one cause of school and just being exhausted and having no motivation so sorry about that! But yeah Its here!

-Scarlet stream- (Hollyleaf vampire au)Where stories live. Discover now