-windclan blood- (15

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Hollyleaf hurled herself forward claws unsheathed, Hootpaw shoved Featherpaw out of the way the two apprentices rolling away. "There it is!" Announced Featherpaw bright eyed, Hollyleaf let out a warning hiss in hopes of them trying to run. Hootpaw stared in horror "I think we should go." Hollyleaf arched her back with a slick horrifying smile ready to launch at them "Now." Hootpaw grabbed Featherpaw's scruff and began running his heart pounding. He dashed around Hollyleaf, she whipped around CONTROL YOURSELF! Hollyleaf pleaded silently but she followed them "We gotta get some cat! We can't do this alone Featherpaw!" Featherpaw stared at Hootpaw "Or.. WE COULD TIRE IT OUT! FOLLOW ME!" Featherpaw took a sharp turn quickening her pace Hootpaw struggled to keep up with her, Hollyleaf quickened her pace aswell.

The windclan apprentice tripped over his paws collapsing, "Featherpaw!" He called staggering upwards, Hollyleaf smiled leaping forward pinning the dark gray apprentice to the ground "FEATHERPAW!" He called louder his heart was pounding. All she could smell was his blood her claws buried into his shoulder with a slick sickly smile. "F-F-Featherpaw!!" Hootpaw cried out sounding absolutely helpless and desperate, but Hollyleaf could not control herself as she leaned forward, but then she felt claws bury into her shoulders and teeth bury into her scruff. She whipped her gaze around seeing Featherpaw her blue eyes blazing fiercely, and her teeth buried into Hollyleaf's scruff. Hollyleaf rose up falling onto her back making Featherpaw scream in shock throwing Hollyleaf off. She snarled leaping towards Featherpaw, but the silver tabby she-cat leap backwards her blue eyes flashed with rage "HOOTPAW! GO GET HELP!" she called leaping to the side as Hollyleaf tried to pounce forward.

STOP YOURSELF SNAKE-BRAIN THEIR BOTH APPRENTICES! Hollyleaf pleaded but kept trying to attack hissing and snarling, Featherpaw began running Hollyleaf chasing her down. She could hear Featherpaw's heart racing making her even more hungry. The two ran until Featherpaw halted at the riverclan border, she glanced over her shoulder Hollyleaf stood there staring at Featherpaw. The windclan apprentice glanced from Hollyleaf to Riverclan, then she leaped trying to hop across the river but falling in. Hollyleaf watched as she flailed her arms around trying to swim across. She grabbed the apprentice and dragged her out of the river, but Featherpaw tried to kick at Hollyleaf. She buried her fangs into Featherpaw's throat without a second thought no control no thoughts except her own driven feral hunger.

She began drinking the Windclan apprentice's blood until.. she died.

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