-The undead she-cat- (2

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"Hollyleaf?! Y-You're supposed to be dead!" Shrieked Cinderheart shaking her head "Nope! I'm going insane! Maybe this is just all some really weird dream!" She began kicking dirt back into the grave "Hey! You aren't dreaming!" Called Hollyleaf trying to keep the dirt from being kicked onto her "Then how are you alive!? Huh?! Sounds like a dream to me!" Cried Cinderheart her tail waving around in the air. Hollyleaf scrabbled back out "Well it's not" She muttered her voice was raspy as if she wasn't used to speaking anymore. Hollyleaf stood there her pelt smelling like a mixture of death and dried blood, her pelt was ragged and ungroomed, the wound that killed her was healed and sat there with like a grayish brown color. Cinderheart couldn't speak she stood there looking Hollyleaf up and down with a look of Horror, Shock, Grief, Disbelief and Joy. "Your alive.. b-but how?" She meowed after a while "Good question- I have no idea" Hollyleaf admitted sitting down. "What do you mean you have no idea??"

"Well, I just woke up and dug myself out of my own grave!" Hollyleaf responded irritably. The sun was beginning to rise, the sky turning orange. Cinderheart took a deep breath "Okay let's backtrack so what happened after you dug yourself out?" Cinderheart asked "well uhh-" Hollyleaf started a bit hesitantly, but Cinderheart noticed something. "What the..?" She slipped closer "What are you-" Cinderheart didn't let Hollyleaf finish before rising her lip to see. Longer than normal canines. "Thats not normal" She pushed her away "What's not normal?" Hollyleaf asked with this look of confusion. "Well-" Sunlight beamed onto Hollyleaf and Cinderheart, Hollyleaf suddenly shrieked stumbling backwards into shade "OW! The sun hurts!" Shrieked Hollyleaf sitting behind a tree the shade blocking the sun "Oh no.." Cinderheart stepped to Hollyleaf's side "Uh okay if Sunlight hurts you lets go to somewhere sunlight can't reach like..."

"The tunnels!" Hollyleaf meowed looking at Cinderheart "Yeah let's run" The two she-cats darted away towards the tunnels entrance.

-Scarlet stream- (Hollyleaf vampire au)Where stories live. Discover now