-A flash from the past- (12

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"Cmon!" Cinderpaw prodded Hollypaw, the two had been planning on going out to hunt alone at night for a little bit now. Even though it was breaking the rules Hollypaw didn't mind to be honest she wanted to spend more time with Cinderpaw. "Coming, coming" She yawned pulling herself out of her nest the two she-cats headed outside through the dirt-place tunnel, once they went through the exit Cinderpaw looked at Hollypaw "Race ya to the lake!" "Oh, you're on!" Cinderpaw broke into a run Hollypaw chasing after her, wind flowing through her fur as she ran across the forest, she began zigzagging through the trees, she looked over her shoulder to see Cinderpaw struggling to keep up. Hollypaw stuck out her tongue and kept running "Hey!" Cinderpaw called quickening her pace. 

It felt like only seconds before Hollypaw skidded to a halt at the shore panting "I win!" She announced rising her muzzle high in the air, she looked over her shoulder expecting to see Cinderpaw but.. she wasn't there "Cinderpaw?" She looked to the left and then right "AMBUSH!" Hollypaw whipped around, seeing a flash of blue eyes before she tumbled over into paw deep waters. "Ha! Gotcha!" Cinderpaw announced, her blue eyes bright. Hollypaw hurled Cinderpaw off with a huff "I still win!" she meowed standing up "Oh really?" "Yep! I got to the shore first!" Cinderpaw narrowed her eyes with mischief crouching down and wiggling her flank "Bet I could beat you in a fight!" "Well yeah ob-" Cinderpaw pounced again, Hollypaw rolled to the side out of instinct. She leaped onto Cinderpaw's back with a hiss, Cinderpaw rose onto her hind legs making Hollypaw fall off.

She fell over on top of Hollypaw with a yelp. Hollypaw shifted "get off!" She growled pushing Cinderpaw off. The two she-cats sat up and began giggling, their pelts were soaked with lake water and definitely weren't getting any hunting done. Cinderpaw got up and shook out her fur the water splashing onto Hollypaw "Hey!" she meowed splashing Cinderpaw with a wave of her tail. Cinderpaw splashed back with her paw. She narrowed her eyes with a purr getting up and shaking out the water and running towards the shore, Cinderpaw at her heels. The older apprentice this time got there first "I win!" Cinderpaw announced her nose high in the air.

I guess you do" Hollypaw meowed halting at the shores. "Cmon we better get some real hunting done before we get caught." Hollypaw nodded in agreement.

-Scarlet stream- (Hollyleaf vampire au)Where stories live. Discover now