-The blood- (3

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Hollyleaf ran across the forest to the tunnels entrance Cinderheart by her side. The sunlight made her feel like her skin was burning. She could hear Cinderheart's heartbeat pounding from exhilaration it didn't take long for the two to make it. Hollyleaf ran straight in her pelt bristling Cinderheart sat down "Alright so now could we talk about what happened?" She asked panting. Those words made Hollyleaf feel pure dread "Yeah okay" She sat down in front of Cinderheart. Her heart was still pounding "Okay so I dug out of the grave driven by hunger" Hollyleaf started hesitantly "And well I couldn't control myself as I smelt... blood" She shifted nervously "So I followed the scent and found that fox and attacked it and I..." Hollyleaf stopped herself taking a deep breath "I started drinking its blood." She meowed quickly "WHAT?!" Cinderheart stared at her shocked. "Heh heh yeah? Let's just say uh I drank it all.." "Great Starclan that sounds.. I mean I bet fox blood would taste disgusting" Cinderheart meowed obviously trying her best to not sound rude "Yeah it really wasn't ..." She shook her head fluffing out her fur "Look there's something obviously wrong with me I mean like you were trying to investigate my teeth or something!" "Because your canines are way sharper than normal"

Cinderheart pointed out "Oh.. Well, I guess that's another thing to add to the 'Things wrong with Hollyleaf list'!" She snapped lashing her tail a bit frustrated mostly with herself though. Cinderheart snorted laughing, she could hear her heart beating. "Well then what else is on that list beside the uh whole undead thing.. and the drinking blood" Cinderheart asked after finishing laughing "Well let's see hmm.. I can hear your heartbeat and smell your blood even though I really shouldn't. Uh I think you know everything else" Cinderheart's blue eyes were filled with interest instead of fear like they should be. "So, you said you couldn't control yourself cause of hunger, right?" She nodded "Well then we just make sure you don't go starved so you don't kill anyone right?" "Right?" "So, we could gather up a couple mice and-" Hollyleaf interrupted her "I don't think mice are gonna really work.. I think I need a cat's body amount of blood to satisfy any hunger" Admitted Hollyleaf "I mean I would never drink a cat's blood!" She reassured Cinderheart even though she didn't look concerned "Okay so maybe I could lead badgers and-" "NO!" Hollyleaf stood up "Why not?" Cinderheart tilted her head "I don't want you getting hurt" Retorted Hollyleaf.

"Yeah, and I don't want you hurting anybody" Cinderheart meowed nudging Hollyleaf "I won't! If I need blood, I'll get it myself" She growled "and if its daytime and you can't find anything down here?" Hollyleaf fell silent "I'll figure out something" "You mean we, we will find something out" Cinderheart corrected "I am helping you afterall your my best friend and I'm helping you no matter if you want me to or not" Hollyleaf sighed reluctantly. "Meet me back here at dusk I gotta go" Cinderheart meowed standing up. The sun was shining, and it was probably almost sun-high at this point "Alrighty then. Don't tell any cat I'm alive incase anything happens" Called Hollyleaf as Cinderheart walked off "Okay!" Cinderheart called back.

Hollyleaf watched as Cinderheart walking off feeling a bit sad. Well then I guess I may aswell make myself comfy.

-Scarlet stream- (Hollyleaf vampire au)Where stories live. Discover now