-Vampire story- (4

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Cinderheart walked back into camp a mouse dangling from her jaws "Cinderheart! Where have you been?" Asked Poppyfrost padding to Cinderheart's side "I uhh went hunting" "All morning?" "Yeah, couldn't find much" Cinderheart felt bad for lying but she couldn't tell Poppyfrost the truth not yet at least. "Well the dawn patrol found something really weird" Poppyfrost meowed following Cinderheart. She dropped the mouse in the fresh kill "Like?" "A fox a dead one! But looked as if all the blood had been sucked out of it" She explained shuddering "Also we found Hollyleaf's grave but it was... dug into and her body was gone" She continued with this look of horror "What?!" Cinderheart acted surprised "What do you mean!?" She asked doing her best to act surprised "Yeah! I wonder what creature did this I bet it was the dark forest cats" "But the dark forest cats are gone, probably a two-leg they do weird stuff all the time" Poppyfrost nodded "Berrynose is telling Bramblestar and Squirrelflight right n-" 

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey! Come to the high rock for a clan meeting!" Yowled Bramblestar leaping onto the rock. Cats began to gather under the high rock, "Hes probably gonna warn us about this" Whispered Poppyfrost as she sat down next to Cinderheart "Uh-huh" Cinderheart responded focused on Bramblestar "The dawn patrol found something... lets just say strange in our borders. Berrynose you were leading this patrol tell us what you found" Berrynose stood up and pushed himself to the front of the crowd "We found a fox, a dead fox except it wasn't normal it looked like all its blood was sucked out of its body" He shuddered, gasps of horror filled the air "But that's not all! We found Hollyleaf's grave dug into and her body was just.. gone"




Cinderheart's ears flattened at all the words "YOUNG'UNS I THINK I KNOW WHAT IT IS" Called Purdy over the crowd making every cat go silent "What? What is it Purdy?" Asked Squirrelflight calmly. Cinderheart's ears pricked interested in what the elder had to say. "Back when I was a young 'un myself my mother told me about the story of the Vampires" murmurs of confusion filled the air as Purdy explained Cinderheart couldn't help but notice how he was basically on the dot for what was going on vampires had, Sharpened fangs, A thirst for blood, couldn't stand out in the sunlight, undead. The only things that Hollyleaf hadn't said was 'Vampire venom' where you could inject some kinda venom while drinking blood killing the animal but turning it into a vampire and not being killable unless they sat in the sun too long or was set on fire. 

"Purdy thank you for telling us, but I doubt Hollyleaf is a 'vampire' you said the only way they spread is through there venom and well I don't think Hawkfrost was a vampire so I'm gonna have to say its very very unlikely" Squirrelflight meowed kindly to Purdy. The elderly tom said something, but Cinderheart couldn't hear what he said. She felt relieved Squirrelflight wasn't convinced but she noticed Thornclaw and Blossomfall whispering to eachother. By the look on their faces, they were convinced by Purdy's words which made Cinderheart feel a bit worried. "Well uh- whatever this thing is, Vampire or not I need every cat to be careful when you leave camp. Clan dismissed!" Cats ran off into small groups. Cinderheart headed to the fresh-kill-pile and picked out a robin. She made herself comfy beside the side of camp. She began to eat she heard pawsteps making her look up to see Hollyleaf's mother Leafpool walk up to her.

"May I?" Leafpool asked she was holding a mouse. "Yeah sure" Cinderheart shifted to the side letting the medicine cat sit down beside her. Leafpool began eating her mouse and Cinderheart ate her Robin. "So do you believe that whole vampire thing?" Leafpool asked between bites "Uhm not really" Cinderheart lied her tail tip twitching "Well I know its most likely not true but part of me wants to believe it afterall if its true that would mean... my daughter is alive" Leafpool meowed emotionally. Cinderheart felt her heart twist, "Well if she is alive and is a vampire, she'd probably drink your blood instead of doing that heartfelt reunion you're thinking about" Grumbled Cinderheart through bites. "Yeah your probably right" sighed Leafpool finishing her prey and walking off.

I'm sorry Leafpool but I can't tell you the truth

-Scarlet stream- (Hollyleaf vampire au)Where stories live. Discover now