-Spiderleg's aggression- (11

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Cinderheart felt a paw prod her side "Wake up. We have patrol." Cinderheart opened an eye to see Cloudtail looming over her "Right, right.." She stumbled out of her nest following Cloudtail, Icecloud and Spiderleg were standing outside waiting. Icecloud looked horrible, she hadn't really been taken care of herself especially since both Foxleap and Ferncloud died but then again Spiderleg didn't look much better, his fur was tangled and matted honestly, he looked sickly. She felt a twinge of pity for him but she couldn't really think of any words to comfort him or Icecloud. Even if she could they've probably heard it all before.

"Remember we need to be careful in case we see that.. thing" Cloudtail meowed "You mean the thing that isn't even real?" Snapped Spiderleg his amber eyes flashing with cold rage I think it's real alright thought Cinderheart sarcastically. "I don't know looks real to me I mean have you seen those mice and that fox?" Icecloud murmured, Spiderleg whipped his gaze around "It's obviously some two-leg thing! Look lets just go." He began walking away leaving Cinderheart, Cloudtail and Icecloud in ThunderClan camp. "Well then let's go" meowed Cloudtail walking forward, Cinderheart and Icecloud following.

-That night-

Cinderheart walked into the tunnels, her gaze flicking around for Hollyleaf. It didn't take long for the jet black she-cat appeared from the darkness her green eyes glittering, relieved to see her "So.. uh there's a lot to tell you especially since there was a gathering." "Don't worry I was watching I know" Hollyleaf interrupted "Oh wait WHAT?! DON'T YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS THAT IS?! I MEAN WHAT IF SOMEONE SAW YOU OR-" She began laughing "I'd just run away" She shrugged "I mean what do they have on me?" She slipped forward weaving around Cinderheart "Y'know the monstruous vampire" She purred running her tail across Cinderheart's chin, she felt heat on her cheeks, shifting her paws. Hollyleaf sat back down "So wanna go hunting?" She asked "Sure!" Cinderheart hopped to her paws, Hollyleaf weaved around her heading out of the tunnel Cinderheart followed her.

"Hey, remember the first night we went hunting?"

-Scarlet stream- (Hollyleaf vampire au)Where stories live. Discover now