-Their "secret weapon"- (8

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Hollyleaf stood there it took her a second to realize why Ivypool was so surprised "You're dreaming! You need to wake up!" Cinderheart meowed frantically trying to convince Ivypool this wasn't real "So Purdy was right!?" She whipped her gaze from Cinderheart to Hollyleaf "And she bit you!?" She pointed to Cinderheart who sat down "I told her to" Muttered Cinderheart, Hollyleaf looked at Ivypool "Look just sit down and we'll.. explain everything" She groaned; she was so tired! It felt like she barely slept even though it was sun-high. 

-After explaining-

"So yeah! Thats everything" Cinderheart finished, Ivypool looked at the two of them "So this is what the dark forest cats meant by a secret weapon" She muttered looking off into space "WHAT?!" Hollyleaf and Cinderheart yowled in unison "A what now?" Hollyleaf asked cautiously "Yeah, the dark forest cats gathered all of their trainees in one dream and told us 'You think you've won?! Well, we have a secret weapon so join us or else' we honestly thought they were trying to scare us back into being their trainees, but it seems..." Ivypool looked at Hollyleaf up and down. "They weren't bluffing" She had a growl in her voice which made Hollyleaf stiffen "I haven't heard anything from any Dark Forest cats." She promised, Ivypool had this look that basically said 'yeah right' which set Cinderheart off.

"If she did, she would have killed me! I mean wouldn't the dark forest want another weapon?" She snapped "I mean she didn't, and she also made a nest for me when I passed out! What kinda evil cat would do that?! Also, she's still the same Hollyleaf we knew before the great battle!" Cinderheart lashed her tail around. Ivypool blinked at them "Cinderheart we need to get home. I also need to talk to you on the way." Cinderheart frowned but nodded "Right, I'll see you tonight Hollyleaf. Don't get caught" Hollyleaf smiled a bit and watched them walk away. Secret weapon huh? They haven't even tried to- tried to what? Sweetie ..?


sorry for nothing for a bit school started for me and I havent had a chance to update so sorry!

-Scarlet stream- (Hollyleaf vampire au)Where stories live. Discover now