Girl of Steel Pt1

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The sun is high above the clouds in the bustling city of Harajuku. The sound of loud chatting and cars whizzing down the street are prominent.

We see two teenagers dressed in varying blue school uniforms. The girl's uniform is a long sleeve gakuran with a high collar and three buttons going straight down, and a skirt the same color as the jacket with black stockings underneath and brown shoes. The boy's uniform consists of a blue raincoat that hangs right above his knees with a black belt around his waist. Under the coat he wears a (f/c) shirt with a silver chain hanging around his neck. His pants are slacks of the same blue color with black ankle high boots. Strapped on his back is a black umbrella.

A/N: This is what Y/N wears but the jjk blue instead of black

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A/N: This is what Y/N wears but the jjk blue instead of black. Also credits to nxzumii

Nobara: Saori. I'm finally here. I'm in Tokyo.

She says with awe and nostalgia dripping from her voice. Y/N looks at the girl from the corner of his eye with a small smile.

Y/N: Yes, yes, we are in Tokyo. Now let's get a move on. You'd better keep up or I'm leaving you.

Y/N begins walking away while Nobara is still having her moment. Once she comes to, she notices that she's by herself with Y/N no where to be seen.

Nobara: Dammit he really left me. Oh well. Maybe I can find a scouting agent!!

She says smiling with new found confidence.
While that is happening it seems that Y/N found a place where he can buy a locker for his bags.

Y/N: Sweet. Now to get some food.

And with that Y/N begins walking into the crowd with his hands behind his back.

With Itadori and Megumi

Itadori: How are there only four first years? That's practically nothing.

He says sitting on a railing and eating a popsicle.

Fushiguro: Think about it. Can you honestly say you ever met someone else that sees curses?

Itadori: Huh, guess not.

Fushiguro: Because Jujutsu Sorcerers, they're rare.

Itadori: Didn't you say I was the fourth first year?

Fushiguro: The other two's admission was decided a while ago. You know what our school's like. Everyone has unique circumstances.

Suddenly a tall man in a similar outfit to the other two, walks up to them.

Gojo: Sorry for the wait. Ohh, your uniform made it in time.

Itadori: Yeah it fits great, though I noticed it's slightly different from Fushiguro.

He says playing with the red hood sitting on his shoulders.

Gojo: That's because the uniforms can be customized upon request.

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