Curse Womb Must Die Pt2

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We return to the story where the group is walking down a long hallway. They continue walking in silence until the come to a pathway that opens up into a large room. In the corner of that room they then see three mangled bodies all with the same uniform. Itadori runs up to them. The rest of the group stays back and observes them.

Nobara: Horrrible.

She says still looking at the bodies.

Fushiguro: Looks like... three victims right.

Itadori reaches for the uniform of one the bodies and sees that it has the same name that the woman from earlier was yelling about.

Itadori: Let's take this body back with us.

Nobara: Huh?

Y/N: I'm sorry what?

Itadori: This is that woman's son.

Nobara: But-

Itadori: His face isn't too mangled. How will she accept his death if we can't show her a body to prove it.

Fushiguro walks up and yanks Itadori's hoodie jacket, pulling him away from the dead body.

Fushiguro: We still have to find and verify two more, leave that body behind.

Itadori: That makes no sense. The way we got inside isn't even there anymore! We won't be able to come back for it later.

Y/N can feel the tension rising, but the hairs on the back of his neck rise sharply. He begins to discreetly looking around for traces of energy but can't find anything yet. His hand twitches in place.

Fushiguro: I didn't say we'd come back. I said leave it behind! I'm not about to risk my own life for someone I had no intention on saving in the first place. So forget it.

Itadori then grabs onto the collar of Fushiguro's hoodie with Fushiguro still holding onto his.

Itadori: You had no intention of saving him? Are you kidding?

Fushiguro: It's a Juvie Detention Center, and as a Jujutsu Sorcerer I had access to information about this guy. Tadashi here hit and killed a little girl on her way home from school while driving without a license. And that was his second offense.

Suddenly Y/N feels the temperature around grow stale and cold. Y/N feels a his stomach twist as a pit forms and he feels cursed energy growing from all around him. He is now searching for the growing energy with more urgency, but it's a bit hard to focus when people are arguing loudly near him.

Fushiguro: I know you're keen on this idea of saving people and guiding them to proper deaths, but think how are you going to feel when someone you saved goes on to kill someone else later?

Itadori is taken aback by this question and hesitates to answer.

Itadori: So? Why'd you bother saving me then?

The silence between them is thick. And Nobara decides to cut it.

Nobara: You both need to cut it out. Ugh! What the hell is wrong with the two of you?!

Y/N finally pinpoints where the energy broke off and formed and it's right where Nobara is standing. He runs towards her

Nobara: Are you guys both idiots?! This is hardly the time and place-


Nobara: Huh?

He pushes her out of the way and he then falls into a small puddle of water like substance.

Nobara: Y/N!

Fushiguro then thinks that the demon dog should have alerted the group of the curse, only to see the dog's head through the wall with blood dripping down. Then Nobara soon sinks through a puddle as well shocking Itadori and Fushiguro.

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