After Rain Pt2

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A few days have passed since the beginning of the first year's training. And saying it was brutal is an understatement. Or at least in Y/N's case it is. Y/N is currently fighting for his life against Maki, without his weapon. Y/N would say that he's making steady progress. Maki wouldn't.

Maki: Again, you aren't moving fast enough. I could have killed you four times now. It's either you keep up, or give up.

She says walking in a circle around the hunched over Y/N.

Y/N: One more time. I can handle it.

The boy takes a deep breath and readies himself. His left leg in front while his right leg is behind him and turned outward. He then tucks his arms on either side of his waist. Maki makes the first move and swings her staff at Y/N making him dodge and counter with a palm to the face that Maki sidesteps easily. She swings her staff around her body and smacks Y/N's leg sending him on his back. She follows by slamming down her staff, but Y/N rolled out of the way just in time. He backhand springs away and watches her closely as the two circle each other.

Maki: We just gonna dance around in a circle or are you gonna face me head on.

She throws her staff and Y/N backhands it away only to get a knee to the chin. She throws a left hook at his face, making his head fly back. She finishes him off with a sweep, once again sending him down to the ground. Y/N is sprawled out on the ground holding his cheek when Maki kicks his foot.

Maki: Get up, we aren't done yet. You've still got some time before I've got to go.

She says getting into a low stance. Y/N pulls himself from the ground and puts his guard up. Y/N dashes in and dodges a swing to his head by sliding. He jumps back to his feet and  pulls his fist back and smashes the ground where Maki once stood. The older girl jumps above the boy.  He barrel rolls out of the way of an axe kick that cracks the ground beneath her feet. He goes for a sweep, which connects but only leaves her staggering backwards a bit and hurts Y/N more than her. Y/N huffs in frustration as he takes his stance again.

Y/N: 'Cmon Y/N. Lock in!'

Maki: Alright I'm done baby feeding you.

Maki's whole demeanor shifts and immediately blitzes Y/N and smacks him across the field. The boy tumbles a bit then digs his hands into the dirt, finally coming to a stop. He looks up to see Maki's heel coming dangerously close to his face. Y/N reinforces his forearm with cursed energy and tanks the hit. He rolls to his feet as he reinforces both his arms and legs and gets into his fighting stance.

Maki: You're lucky you blocked that kick. I was going for a knockout.

She says resting one side of her staff on her shoulder. Y/N huffs and charges at the girl. He jumps and spins, sending a downward kick to her head.

She leans back, dodging the attack by a hair before she swings her staff around her neck and hitting the boy in his rib cage

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She leans back, dodging the attack by a hair before she swings her staff around her neck and hitting the boy in his rib cage. The boy lands on his side and dodges left as Maki swings her staff down, missing the boy. Y/N takes the opportunity to kick her chest with both feet sending her skidding backwards as he follows with a right hook that she dodges. She then back flips and kicks the boy into air. Y/N lands hard on his back.

Maki: I'm not going to lie to you, your attacks feel the same as before.

Y/N: Bullshit. Ever since I blocked that kick, you haven't used that foot since.

Y/N says rolling his eyes as he gets back onto his feet. He rolls his shoulders a few times then readies his stance and reinforces his arms and legs once more. Maki ready's her staff as it crosses her body. She makes the first move and speeds toward Y/N with a straight forward jab to his chest. Y/N spins left behind her, and lets his right hand swing back aiming for a chop to the back of her head. She blocks by holding the staff behind her back and does a sweeping kick. Y/N jumps back. She follows and spins and hits his hip making Y/N stagger back. She follows up by bringing her staff down on his head.

Maki: Your reaction time is better, but you are moving slow.

She says backing up from the boy on the ground with a tic mark on his forehead.

Y/N: Alright Maki, I get it.

He says gripping his side.

Maki: Obviously not enough.

This time he doesn't wait for her, he makes the first move. He jumps into the air and slams his palm on the ground as he makes contact. Maki jumps a few feet back more on guard than before. She notices the sudden shift in demeanor and power. Y/N attacks again with a sweep to her legs. She jumps a bit high into the air, Y/N jumps into the air following the girl. Once at her height, he pulls his arm back with a fully reinforced punch. Maki blocks but the impact is too great and sends her flying back to the earth and Maki digging her feet into the ground to stay standing. As she fully stands up, Y/N comes barreling down at her. She blocks with her staff as the two are locked in a confrontation.

Maki: Now your getting serious. Show me what you got noobie.

Y/N pushes against the staff and lands in his fighting stance.

Y/N: Come at me senpai.

The two clash as Maki gets low to the ground as Y/N does an uppercut , she dodges to the left of the and jabs Y/N in the shoulder. Maki slides the staff behind his neck and flips his body over her. Y/N now lays sprawled out on the ground with a weapon pointed at his face. Y/N moves his leg like he was gonna sweep her legs. Maki jumps with her weapon still in his face, so Y/N grabs it and flings her over his body. Now both on their back, they spring up in the same position

 Now both on their back, they spring up in the same position

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Maki: Nice job keeping pace with me.

She says panting lightly. Y/N let's out the breath he had been holding.

Y/N: Thanks, these sparing sessions really have helped me catch up. Whew shit, I'm tired.

Y/N says wiping his forehead clean of sweat. Maki rolls her eyes.

Maki: Let's not get too ahead of ourselves, you can still work on your reaction time.

Y/N slightly slumps after hearing her. Maki rolls her eyes and picks up the boy by the collar of his work out jacket.

Maki: But good job, keep going at this rate and you'll just might be able to hit me before the exchange event. Now let's go again, we're gonna need all the man power we can get.

Y/N perks up and smiles.

Y/N: Right!

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