Cursed Womb Must Die -II- Pt2

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We continue the story with Y/N in a deep sleep on a hospital bed.

Ijichi: So how is he?

Ieiri: He suffers from a from a major concussion and has a few broken ribs. Luckily he should be able to make a full recovery.

She says taking a deep puff of her cigarette. Ijichi sweat drops as he looks at the woman.

Ijichi: I see. When do you think he'll be free to leave.

Ieiri: As soon as he wakes up, he is free to go.

Y/N's Dream

The moon hangs high in the sky as wind sweeps the tall grass. The silence is deafening and holds an undertone of dread. Y/N lays in the grass in a quiet slumber. Unbeknownst to him eyes watch his every move. Time slowly passes as  Y/N finally awakens from his sleep. He takes in his surroundings and feels that he's being watched. Then from the unknown, a symphony of voices speak.

?: You aren't strong enough.

Y/N: Huh?

He says rubbing his eyes and slightly irritated.

?: I said, you aren't strong enough.

The voices says sternly. The voices sounds far away but Y/N knows that it's close. He stands to his feet and starts to look for the source of the voice.

Y/N: I'm sorry but I just woke up and must be hearing shit. You said I'm weak? By whose standards? Hopefully not by someone who doesn't want to show their face.

Y/N says with his arms crossed.

?: You are fairly bold for someone who got beaten so easily. By someone who wasn't at fully power might I add.

The voices say with distain dripping from its voice.

Y/N: Tch. It was Sukuna! Hell the King of Curses, what else was I supposed to do?! And who are you to tell me I'm weak huh?!

?: Someone who can tell you are in denial. And with denial comes uncertainty. And if you are uncertain of yourself you won't ever get stronger.

Y/N: Just go away! I don't need you to tell me what I already know!

?: If you already know, then why are you in denial? What are you so uncertain about?

Voices coming from all around the boy. Y/N pulls his knees to his chest as he feels his heart beating at an alarming rate.

Y/N: Because Itadori isn't dead! And if he is then it's my fault because I wasn't strong enough to save him. I'm uncertain that I can't protect those that I hold close.

The voices grow quiet. It's like this for a few moments before  Y/N blurts out.

Y/N: Fine, I'm not strong enough ok! Is that what you wanted me to say? I'm weak and got my ass hand to me by someone superior to me.

The boy says rubbing at his eyes. It's quiet. Y/N sits down with his face in his hands as the wind begins to cease.

Y/N: Say something dammit!

It stays quiet for a while longer before the entity speaks up.

?: To grow stronger you must learn from past mistakes.

Y/N: How do I do that? What more can I do?

?: You have not learned everything you can. You've just barely scratched the surface with your innate technique.

The voices growing in volume as the wind begins to pick back up. Y/N covers his eyes as the bright moon above cascades its brilliant light onto the boy.

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